9. A certain slytherin

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I woke up from a ray of warm sunshine gleaming onto my face. I looked down, there y/n was, cuddled into my arms still fast asleep

So this WASN'T one of the dreams I keep having about her- no I'm not going to go into detail about what the dreams are about

She started shifting around and opened her eyes looking around then falling onto mine

"Hello" she whispered
"Hello" I smiled down at her

"I'm going to go back to classes today" she said, breaking eye contact

"You sure y/n I can stay here with you?" She shook her head and told me that she needed to get back to normal, I understood but in my head I just wanted to stay with her and cuddle and make her be okay

"Meet me in the common room in 20 minuets" I nodded and skipped down the stairs

Content with the fact that SHE asked ME to stay with her, I ran up to my room and opened the door to four shocked faces

"What were you up to last night mate" Ron said smirking and wiggling his eyebrows

"Oh shove off- I took deans advice and managed to get y/n to let me in"

"Oh great! Is she ok?" Asked Neville

I told them briefly about what had happened last night but not why it happened - I'm guessing she wouldn't want many people to know as she trusted me

I got ready for the day and waited in the common room for her

She eventually came down, her hair was brushed down and she had a small amount of makeup on. she gave me a wide smile that made me blush but I tried to hide it as we walked to the great hall for breakfast

She intertwined our pinkie's making me go even redder. She's got me mad for her and she doesn't even know it


As y/n walked into the great hall she took her pinkie out of Harry's and realised how many people were now looking at her. A group of Slytherins, some Hufflepuff's and Raven claws and the majority of the Gryffindor table were gawking at her

She walked swiftly to her table and sat down, before turning round and waving to Daphne .Shit this is weird, she thought to herself as she sat shifted on her seat

Everyone gave her a warm greeting as she ate talking to Hermione and Ron about what had happened

"Oh y/n that's so terrible I'm so sorry" Hermione gasped

Pravati nudged her elbow "okay don't look now but some 7th year is staring at you from the Slytherin table"  y/n waited a couple of seconds before darting her eyes to meet a pair of light hazel coloured ones. She gave a soft smile to Adrian and returned eating her food blushing like crazy

"Oh my god y/n did you see the way he was looking at you" snorted Hermione. Harry observing this whole thing, laughed but felt his ears tingle and go red from jealously and anger

Y/N's POV:

I went to all my lessons like I said I would, coming out potions I realised that I should go talk to Draco and his friends. So deep in my thoughts I walked into the frame of someone dropping all my books. I quickly apologised to the person I had walked into

"oh my gosh sorry, that was my fault" said the sweet voice of a pretty looking girl. "no that was me- are you okay" I asked she shook her head yes and introduced herself as Cho Chang. She helped me with my books and said "see you around" whilst smiling and turning around and carrying on walking

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