8. Wasnt I enough?

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TW: self degrading - I don't really know what it's called but you know what I mean

It's been a week since y/n shouted at me, she hasn't left her room either and won't allow anyone to see her.

All of the Gryffindor group has sent her letters and slid notes underneath her door but she doesn't reply.

I'm getting worried about her. Hermione brings her a plate of food from every meal and she eats a fraction of it but mainly leaves it. Mcgonagall sends her work as well because she doesn't leave her dorm

I didn't know what was in that letter to make her like this but it must've been bad. Me and dean were sitting in the common room going over the potions homework when he mentioned her

"I haven't seen y/n for a while is she alright" he asked me- like I would know
"I don't know I haven't seen her either, she won't let us in her dorm" I said back to him

"Well why haven't you just pleaded her, if Seamus was y/n I wouldn't of left his door until he let me in"

"But I don't want to invade her privacy or make her uncomfortable" Harry this is a really bad time to think about when you almost fell asleep on her bed when she didn't even know you were in her room

"Harry I see the way you look at her, if she's so important you don't want to make her uncomfortable then why haven't you at least tried"

I sheet of red was painted on my cheeks- did he know that I liked her, had I mumbled her name in my sleep or something. Speaking of sleep, since she's been around I have had almost next to no nightmares.

"I don't like her but I guess it won't hurt to try- thanks" I said jumping up and closing my book after making my way to her dorm


I knocked once I heard her say "go away" phew she's alive
"Y/n it's me please let me in"

"No fuck off" she spat back- shit have I done something to her-is that why she told me to get out last week

"Y/n I'm gonna just stay here until you let me in" -silence-

I slid down the door staring at the blank stone wall in front of me

30 minutes must have passed cause I managed to recite every professor I've ever had for every lesson through the years of being at hogwarts in my head

2 hours had passed and I was getting really bored "I'm still here you know" I retorted to the door

I heard shuffling from the room and I stood up quickly, smartening up my grey jumper

That when I heard the lock click and she was standing in front of me

Y/n grabbed me by the arm and dragged me in and hugged me around the torso tightly. I was hesitate on touching her at first. ~our first hug~

She was wearing baggy sweat pants and her hair looked like it hadn't been washed or brushed in a while, her eyes were puffy and red.

I could see her mental state was reflecting on her room, there was soil and plant pot debris spilt onto the floor, peices of glass scattered everywhere, a heap of tissues by her bed and clothes everywhere

The twinkle in y/n's eyes had disappeared and she was pale and sickly

Looking at what she had turned into I wanted to crumble but I couldn't- I had to be strong for her

"What happened y/n, what was in the letter" she gave me a crumbled up piece of parchment that had several dried tear drop stains on to it

I read the letter. He revolts me, the cheating let alone on her. So many guys would die to have her but he just destroyed her and broke her like she was a toy.

She walked over to the window staring out of it nibbling on her thumbnail. "Wasn't i enough" she whispered, I could hear the upcoming tears in her voice as it cracked slightly

"Y/n I'm so sorry, he doesn't deserve you"


"fuck y/n he's so selfish to not see that you are perfect but DIFFERENT, you are so funny and smart and unique- I'm so privileged to be able to meet you. The fact that he was able to HAVE you and still hurt you disgusts me" I said back to her

She looked down at the floor and brought her sleeve to her eye whipping away I'm guessing a tear and turned away back to the window. It absolutely destroyed me knowing she had obviously been thinking how she 'wasn't enough'

I went up to her and hugged the small girl from behind. Something inside her just flicked off as she fell to the floor sobbing. I brought her in between my legs, cradling her. See this is why I wanted to protect her- from brats like that.

After about 10 minutes she calmed down and I helped her get to her feet.

"Right y/n we are gonna make you better, call me doctor potter because I can asure that you will be healed" I flexed my muscles and deepened my voice. She giggled a little bit making my heart feel 10 x bigger

We started to tidy her bedroom up- she sorted out her clothes then went into her bathroom for a shower. I cleared up the plant pot and managed to save it from dying using a spell Neville taught me. I went over to Olive who was sleeping on the end of her bed and picked it up and rested it on a pillow on the floor then stroked it, I made her bed so it was nice and cosy for her to get into. Then I moved to picking up every single shard of glass- she will not be getting more hurt today

She came back in a clean pair of pyjamas as she sat down in-front of her dressing table

I managed to persuade her to let me braid her h/c hair. My mum taught me how to do it when I was little-she told me that my dad used to do it to her when she was younger in order to relax her in hopes I could do the same to another girl when I get older. She was right.

She put lip balm on, offering it to me which I gladly accepted and got into her bed turning on her side to face me

I crouched down next to her and I stroked her hair as she looked into my green eyes

I wanted to kiss her so badly right now. But I must wait for her to move on and hopefully go for me.

I said goodnight and turned to the door

Just as I got to the handle I heard her squeak "Harry" shyly

I turned to face her

"Stay with me will you" I composed myself as I nodded smiling. Inside I could feel butterflies swarming my stomach.

I lied on other side of the 4 poster and she turned over with a small smile spread onto her rosy lips

I slithered my arm onto her waist and around her back and she pulled her hand onto my chest. I just couldn't stop watching the girl of my dreams in my arms so peacefully breathing as she fell into a slumber

I closed my eyes and too, fell asleep

I'm so goddamn lucky right now

———————————————————————————-I need a Harry in my life

1333 words. 14/02/2021 > happy Valentine's days to my lonely hoes
Also I forgot to wish Luna happy bday which I hate myself for

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