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"Hey mom I was wondering if me, Henry, and Emily can come up for Thanksgiving?" JJ said

"Of course you guys are more than welcome to come. I can't wait to meet this Emily you keep talking about." Her mother replied

JJ rolled her eyes and said "I don't talk about her that much. We're just friends that's all also who's gonna be there?"

"Yes you do JJ and your siblings are already here and the rest of our family will be here by Thanksgiving"

"Alright well then we have to pack. Love you."

"Love you too see you soon."



"So are we going?" Emily asked as she walked in to their shared bedroom.

"Yep we're leaving tomorrow morning and staying until Sunday night" JJ responded

"Well we better get packing. I'll go help Henry."

"Okay" JJ said as Emily left to go help their son.

They are Henry's mothers even though they are just best friends. Emily's been helping out with Henry since before he was born. They are the closest friends you will ever meet. Most people think they're a couple even when they say they're not, they act like an old married couple. The big badass Emily Prentiss has a soft spot for the four year old. Henry's got her wrapped around his finger.

About an hour or so later Prentiss walks in. "I got all of Henry's stuff packed. Which car are we taking?" She asked as she was packing her own go bag.

"We can take your truck it has more space" JJ replied

Emily nodded and took hers and Henry's stuff out to her truck and put it in the bed. She walked in just as JJ walked out to put her go bag in. She slid the bags all the way to the back, put the top on and closed it.

"Hey Henry can you put some of the toys you want to play with in your bookbag please." Emily asked

"Ok mama!" Henry yelled as he ran up the stairs and into his room.

When 9 hit they tucked Henry in with his turtle that Emily got for him when he was born which he takes everywhere, and read him a story saying they had to get up early in the morning. They walked back to their room and changed into their pajamas, got in bed and went to sleep.


The next morning JJ woke up in Emily's arms and smiled to herself. She laid there for a few minutes before reluctantly getting out of her grasp to go make coffee and breakfast.

Emily woke up ten minutes later and walked down the stairs to the kitchen and put her chin on JJ shoulder "whatcha makin?" She asked

"I am making pancakes, eggs and bacon" JJ said

"I love you so much right now"

"You always love me"

"Well yeah but especially right now"

JJ just rolled her eyes and chuckled as Henry came down the stairs. "Hey mama, hey mommy what's fow bweakfast?" He asked. He still can't really pronounce his R's

"Well bubbers we are having pancakes, eggs and bacon." Emily said

"I love bacon tanks mama"

"You should thank your mommy she did all the cooking"

He ran up to JJ, gave her a big hug then said "tank you mommy." He then gave her a kiss on the cheek "good mowning mommy!" He got down and jumped in Emily's lap and gave her a kiss on the cheek and yelled "Good mowning mama!". He sat down in his chair and they all started eating.

After they ate, they cleaned up and got ready to leave. "Whewe awe we going?" asked Henry as he grabbed his turtle that Emily got for him when he was born.

"We are going to grandma and grandpa's" JJ said.

Henry pumped his fist in the air and ran outside then stopped and turned to look at JJ and Emily. "Which caw awe we taking?"

"We're taking my red truck bubs" Emily said as she ruffled his hair

"Okay!" he exclaimed and ran to the truck.

Everyone got in the truck and double checked to make sure they had everything they needed. Once they were sure they pulled out of the driveway and started the drive to PA. They were about half an hour in when Henry spoke up "Hey mama can we listen to music? please."

"Of course what do you wanna listen to?" Emily said while still paying attention to the road and driving.

"Aerosmith!" JJ yelled out

"Yeah!" Henry agreed

"Okay" Emily laughed out

What it takes by Aerosmith started playing and they sing their heart out to every song that comes on even though most of the time it wasn't Aerosmith. About two hours in Emily asked JJ "How come I've never met anyone in your family and you've met all of my family which is just me and my mother but still"

"Probably because my family hasn't been down to Virginia since before you were on the team. They still haven't met the team. I always come down here to see them mostly because there's more space."

Emily just nodded and focused on the road and the music once more.

A/N Sorry if there's any mistakes I didn't reread it. Also if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.

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