Chapter 22

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 22
Quinn's POV

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl demanded.

"Who the hell are you?" a prisoner shot back.

"He's bleedin' out," Rick informed. "We gotta go back."

Rick motioned to Maggie who had tears trailing down her face. "Come around here. Put pressure on the knee. Hard."

"Why don't you come on outta there," Daryl ordered.

"Slow and steady," I added.

They slowly filtered out at our orders.

A man in a wife beater tanktop spoke first. "What happened to him?"

"He got bit," Daryl said simply.

The man pulled a gun. "Bit?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...easy now," Daryl lured.

"Nobody's gotta get hurt," I said lowly.

"Do you have medical supplies?" Glenn asked, running behind them without a moment of intimidation.

"Whoa, where do you think you're goin'?" one of the prisoners asked.

"Who the hell are you people anyway?"

"Don't look like no rescue team."

I scoffed. "If a rescue team is what you're waitin' for, don't bother."

"C'mon, we gotta go!" Rick ordered as they lifted Hershel onto a metal bed.

"T-dog, the door!"

"Are you crazy? Don't open that!" Glenn yelled as T-dog pulled the crowbar from the door.

"We got this!" T-dog assured.

Only one walker dressed in riot gear came wandering in. Everyone bolted out the door, rolling Hershel to the cell block.

"C'mon, Dixon," I said. "We can deal with these punks later."

Daryl finally backed out of the door and we ran down the hall. More walkers came from a hallway. Rick instructed us to go back to where we were originally.

Daryl shot a walker and ripped his arrow out of the skull. "C'mon!" he yelled.

"Stop," Rick said, slowing down.

The shadows of heads appeared on the wall. Around came the five idiots that were stuck in that cafeteria.

I ran to the front. "Let's go!"

We went down the hall back to our cell block.

"Carl! Open the door! It's us!"

"Oh my God!"

"Daddy!" Beth cried.

Carl unlocked to door and let us through.

"Get him on the bed!" Carol ordered as we rolled Hershel into her cell.

"He got bit," Rick informed.

"Oh my God. He's gonna turn!" Beth exclaimed.

Rick turned to me and lowered his voice. "Go help Daryl take care of those prisoners."

I nodded and ran out of the cell. I made my way into the kitchen, shutting the gate behind me.

"Get your gun ready," Daryl ordered, resting his bow on his knee.

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