Chapter 9

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 9
Quinn's POV

I woke up entangled in Daryl's arms. He had his hand loosely gripped around my waist, my back to his chest, and he was snoring softly in my ear. I smiled.

I tried to unwrap his arm without waking him up; he needed his rest, but I failed. His arm tightened and pulled me closer, if such a thing were possible.

"Daryl," I said quietly.


"Daryl," I said a little louder.

His eyes shot open. He grunted and let go of me, flipping the covers off and standing.

"Where are you going?"

"Outside," he said bluntly. "Can't stand to be in here any longer than I have to be."

Daryl made his way over to a pair of clothes Carol had brought in. He slipped on the clothes and absentmindedly, I watched. Before he turned around I caught myself and stood, grabbing a pair of clothes. I stripped off my dirty ones and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a gray tank top. I pulled on my brown combat boots and stood to full height. I looked over and saw Daryl watching me.

"C'mon," he said, smirking and opening the door.

We walked out to his tent and I helped him sit down.

"I'm gonna go see if I can help with anything," I said. "I'll check on you in a bit."

I zipped up the tent and walked down to the common area.

"Morning," Dale greeted.

"Mornin'," I replied.

I got other greetings from the rest of the group. Glenn offered a basket filled with peaches. I grabbed one and took a bite. It was juicy and sweet; the perfect breakfast.

"Sup?" T-dog said as he stuck his hand in the basket and pulled out a plump peach.

"Nothing," Glenn answered quickly. "Nothing's up, why?"

T-dog and I glanced at each other as Glenn hurried away. I headed towards Rick and the others who were surrounding the car hood.


Daryl's POV

I was poking holes in the screen of my tent with an arrow when I heard footsteps approaching my tent.

"Hey," Andrea greeted as she stepped inside. "This is not that great, but..." She trailed off, handing me a book.

I flipped through the pages seeing nothing but an endless amount of words. "What, no pictures?"

Andrea let out an airy laugh before getting serious again. "I'm so sorry. I feel like shit."

"Yeah, you and me both," I answered, tossing the book to the side and propping my head up under my hands.

"I don't expect you to forgive me," she said, "but if there's anything I can do..."

"You try and protect the group. We're good."

Andrea sent me a smile before she stood and walked out of the tent.

"Hey," I said before she left. She turned around and gave me a questioning look. "Shoot me again, you best pray I'm dead."

She rolled her eyes, but smiled widely before she left.


Quinn's POV

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