Chapter 7

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 7
Daryl's POV

Hershel came back a few minutes later with the supplies. It was quiet as he cleaned the wound and wrapped a clean bandage around her leg.

"I can tell she doesn't like to sit still, but she'll have to deal for a couple days. Otherwise she'll make it worse and she'll be out for much longer than she wants to be," Hershel explained.

I nodded. With that, he got up and left the room. Quinn had fallen asleep at some point during this. I was in and out of sleep all night, worrying about Quinn and why she hadn't woken up yet. Hershel's youngest daughter, Beth, brought me and Quinn a plate of food, but I didn't eat.

It had to be at least midnight and I sat in the chair, staring at the two plates of food that were on the bedside table. Finally, Quinn started to stir. She winced as she awoke, forgetting about her leg. When she saw the different atmosphere, she shot up, wincing once more.

"Hey, just lay down," I said, standing and gently pushing her back down. She resisted, but finally laid down. She fell back asleep, and I guess I did, too.


I awoke to a knock on the door. I grunted as I stood and made my way over, opening it. Beth stood with another plate of food.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I took it.

Quinn would be hungry when she woke up.
About ten minutes later, she fluttered her eyes open.

"Hey," she said sleepily.

"Hey," I replied. "Uh, here." I quickly stood and grabbed the plate.

She took it. "What about you?"

"I'm good."

She eyed the two full plates that Beth hadn't taken back yet. She gave me the eye.

"Daryl, you need to eat."

I shrugged. She handed me a piece of lettuce. I took it and shoved it in my mouth, like it was gonna help my hunger.

She rolled her eyes. "See, you are hungry." She handed me her plate.

"You need to eat more than I do," I protested.





"Daryl. Take the damn plate."

"You take the damn plate."

"I'm not playin' games. Take it."

I stayed silent, folding my arms and looking in the opposite direction.

"Such a child," she said, rolling her eyes and grabbing some more of the salad.

There was another knock on the door. I stood and opened it again.

"Hey, Rick," Quinn greeted.

"Hey," Rick replied. "What happened?"

Quinn explained everything about the men and what had happened at the house, leaving out some other minor details.

Rick nodded. "Well, get your rest, don't push it. I'd rather have you bedridden for a week and healed than for two days and have to go back for a month," he explained as he stood.

She nodded. "Me, too."

He left the room, but quickly popped his head back in. "Oh, and Carl wants me to tell you that he has a lot to talk about when you are both healed."

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