Chapter 48

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 48
Quinn's POV

"It's okay. It's okay," Gareth said, holding his hand up to calm Alex down. Gareth continued, "Rick, what do you want?"

"Where are our people?" Rick demanded.

"You didn't answer the question," Gareth said as he closed his open hand.

A gunshot rang out and I started running after the group. We ran by green gardens and through picnic tables. We were about to turn back, but gunshots blocked our path. We ran down the only choice we had.

Michonne lead the way to a door with a big A painted in white beside it. It opened for us. The gunshots followed us as we ran through a place that had bullet holes through everything, from the cars to the wooden crates.

"C'mon, this way!" Daryl yelled.

I grabbed the gun that was tucked in the back of my blue jeans. We came out to an opening with people yelling from train cars for help. The train cars also had large As on them. We entered a room full of candles next. We slowed to a stop, gasping for air.

"The hell is this place?" Daryl asked as he looked around.

"These people," Michonne started, "I don't think they're trying to kill us."

"Nah," I agreed. "They were aiming at our feet. We're doing exactly what they want."

"There," Rick said as he pointed to a door.

Michonne and Daryl followed after and I entered slowly with Carl, afraid of what was on the other side. The door slammed shut, blocking us off yet again.

"Here," Daryl called as he pointed to door that had another A written next to it.

As soon as we stepped out, more shots were fired at the ground behind us. They were leading us somewhere. As I suspected, we were trapped with no exits and people jumped up behind the fence, guns aimed and ready. It was silent as we breathed heavily from our maze hunt.

"Drop your weapons," Gareth ordered.

Nobody moved.

"Now!" he shouted from the roof.

Now I know why they counted our weapons. Smart. I watched as Daryl threw his knife to the ground and then gently placed his bow down. Rick laid his gun at his side before roaming his pockets for a knife and placing it on the ground as well. Michonne laid down her sword while Carl placed his gun next to it. I threw my hunting knife down and then placed my gun down, keeping the other in my boot.

"Ringleader, go to your left; the train car. Go," Gareth instructed.

Rick looked at the train car before back up to Gareth.

"You do what we say, the boy goes with you. Anything else, he dies and you end up in there anyway."

Rick gave Carl a small nod before slowly making his way over to the car.

"Now the Archer," he called out.

My eyes met Daryl's blue and I gave him a nod. He averted his gaze and slowly walked to the train car, waiting behind Rick.

"Now the Samurai. Stand at the door," Gareth ordered. "Ringleader, Archer, Samurai; in that order."

"My son and my friend," Rick reminded.

"Go, kid," Gareth spat. "You, too, girl."

I followed after Carl, keeping my eyes on his back. Before we were even half way to them, Gareth's annoying voice was sounding out again.

"Ringleader, open the door and go in."

"I'll go in with them," Rick said without missing a beat.

"Don't make us kill them now."

I watched as Rick glared at him before opening the door. Daryl and Michonne followed after. Carl and I finally made it to the door and slowly walked in. The door shut, leaving the darkness to surround us. I saw shadows at the other end of the train car.


Glenn stepped into the one beam of light.

"You're here," I said quietly, noticing that Maggie, Sasha, and a few new faces were behind them.

"You're here," Rick confirmed.

"They're our friends," Maggie said. "They helped save us."

"Yeah, well now they're friends of ours," Daryl said lowly from behind me.

I felt his fingers intertwine with mine. His hands were warm and sticky from sweat. I leaned into his chest and he wrapped his arm around me, his hand still gripping onto mine.

"For however long that'll be," a muscular, red-haired man spoke up.

Rick shook his head. "No. They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."

"Find out what?" he asked.

"That they're fuckin' with the wrong people."

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