Chapter 27

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 27
Quinn's POV

It was dark and we were just approaching the town's walls. The woman, Michonne, was in the lead. We ducked behind a car as we waited for a signal to make our move. The large black man that was up on the wall made his way down, leaving an older man and a couple other men. Michonne got up and started off in a different direction.

"Alright, we need to downsize," Rick informed.

"Ain't no way we're gonna check all them buildings, not with all them guards there," Daryl opposed.

Leaves crunched behind us. We all whipped around, weapons raised. Michonne stood, motioning for us to follow her.

"Alright, let's go," Rick whispered.

We started off after Michonne. She lead us through the woods. We climbed into a small house and I closed the door behind us.

"This is where you were held?" I asked.

"I was questioned," Michonne corrected.

"Any idea where else they could be?" Rick asked.

Daryl peeked through a curtain. "Thought you said there was a curfew?"

I peered through the window, seeing three people walking along a lit path.

"The street is packed during the day, those are stragglers," she informed.

"If anyone comes in here, we gotta move," Rick instructed.

"They could be in his apartment," Michonne suggested.

"Yeah?" Daryl asked. "What if they ain't?"

"Then we'll look somewhere else," she snapped.

"You said you could help us," Rick accused.

"I'm doing what I can," she said.

"Then where the hell are they?" Daryl asked.

"Hey." Rick motioned us over. "If this goes south, we cut her loose."

"You think she's leading us into a trap?" Oscar asked.

"Right now, it's the blind leading the blind," Daryl informed. "We'll split up."

There was a knock on the door and it opened. I leaned against the wall and held my breath.

"I know you're in here," a male voice sounded. "I saw you moving from outside. Okay now, you're not supposed to be in here and you know it. Who's in here?"

I jumped out from behind the wall and held the man against the door. I put a gun to his head. "Shut up."

Rick came to my side. "Get on your knees, hands behind your back."

Daryl knelt down behind the man and bound his hands together.

"Where are our people?" Rick demanded.

The man shook his head. "I–I don't know."

"You're holding some of our people," Rick reminded. "Where the hell are they?"

"I don't know," the man repeated.

"Open your mouth," Rick ordered lowly.

He shoved a rag into the man's mouth before Daryl knocked him out with the butt of his crossbow. They had started to drag him out when we heard gun shots. Rick slowly opened the door; a riot had broken out. We walked into another building. Rick leaned against the wall, hiding from sight.

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