Chapter 47

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 47
Quinn's POV

I was pushed out of the woods by rough hands. I heard Joe's voice in the distance, but I was shoved behind a car so I couldn't see him. Daryl's arms wrapped around me and I gripped onto his waist.

"10 Mississippi, 9 Mississippi, 8 Mississip—"

"No," Daryl said firmly, letting me go and walking out into the open.

He saw something that I didn't. I followed after him. Joe was holding a gun to Rick's head. Michonne was there, too. They looked up at us with relief.

"Hold up," I said lowly.

"You guys are stopping me on eight," Joe said with annoyance.

"Just hold up," I said quietly as I walked towards them.

"This is the guy that killed Lou so we got nothin' to talk about," Toni said from behind me.

"Good thing about nowadays is we've got nothing but time," Joe said, an interesting tone to his voice. "Say your peace, Quinn."

"These people—" I started.

"—you're gonna let 'em go," Daryl finished for me.

"These are good people," I added.

"I think Lou would have to disagree with y'all. I'll, of course, have to speak for him, though, 'cause your friend here strangled him in a bathroom."

"You want blood, I get it," Daryl started. He dropped his bow and held his arms open. "Take it from me, man. C'mon."

"This man killed our friend," Joe started. "You say they're good people; now that right there is a lie."

My stomach clenched into a knot. I know what happens next. I stepped closer to Daryl.

"It's a lie!" Joe said loudly.

Out of nowhere, the butt of a gun slammed into Daryl's stomach, making him fall to the ground. My breathing hitched in my throat as I watched Chris and Toni beat on Daryl. Joe and Blake held guns to Michonne and Rick's heads.

I took in a deep breath before running over to Daryl and yanking Toni backwards. He fell at my feet but was right back up. I let out a grunt as I was pushed to the ground and straddled over. I heard Daryl's voice from behind me, but couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Teach 'em, fellas. Teach 'em all the way!" Joe yelled over the chaos.

A fist collided with my face over and over again. Black and blue dots took over my vision. I tried to suck in a breath but I could feel myself slipping away. The world was spinning and I couldn't focus on anything, not even the pain. I was lifted up, but thrown to the ground again, landing with a thud. I tried to catch a breath, but I couldn't. I thought of Hershel and Carl and Rick and Daryl and Judith. I thought of all the people I was letting down.

With tears and blood rushing down my face, I tucked my foot up and kicked Toni off in a second wave of furry. I stood to my full height. I looked over to see Harry straddling over Carl. Michonne and Rick still had guns held to their heads and Daryl was being beat on and pushed around.

Anger flooded through me, causing a head rush. I kicked Toni into the ground when he tried to get up. I noticed that Daryl dropped his bow. I ran over and readied it just as Toni stood to his full height. I fired an arrow into his skull.

"Let him go!" I yelled to Harry.

All of the sudden, a gunshot rang out. Michonne was free. Rick was looking out of it. He stood and swung his fist into Joe's face. Joe hit him right back.

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