Chapter 2

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 2
Quinn's POV

After we finished shooting at the monsters, I leaned my back against Daryl's, huffing deep breaths.

He turned around. "You good?"

"I'm good, you?" I replied.

He nodded.

The stench hit me like a wall of bricks. I looked around the camp. Walkers, and even some of their people, lay on the ground covered in bites and blood.

Rick was holding Carl and the brown-haired woman near the RV. Shane was huffing, sweat dripping down his face. The rest of the group was either huddling together, or crying. No sign of Merle, though. I heard a soft whimper and then it got louder.

There was a blonde-haired woman hovering over a body. She kept screaming, "Amy!" as if expecting her to come back, which she would, she just wouldn't be Amy anymore.

We started a small fire and sat around it. I sat next to Glenn and Daryl. Eventually people started filtering into their tents. All that was left was Daryl, Shane, and T-dog.

"We should head to bed, big day tomorrow," Shane mentioned.

I yawned. T-dog stood up and went off to his tent, Shane, too. Daryl stood up and stretched.

"I'll keep watch," I offered. "Get some sleep."

He huffed and stalked off.


I had fallen asleep in the chair and was woken up by the smell of burnt coals. I opened my eyes. It was still kind of dark, the sun just popping over the trees. I heard something crunch behind me. I stood and whipped around. It was just Daryl.

"So much for keepin' watch," he mumbled, throwing his bow over his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

He walked off into the woods. By the time he came back, the sun was high in the sky and everyone was up doing chores around the camp. I decided I'd help Daryl skin some of the squirrels he brought back.

"Hey, need a hand?"

He looked up and half grunted, half shrugged. I grabbed a knife and a squirrel. I watched as the brown-haired woman, Lori, bent down next to the blonde, Andrea, who was still in the same position as she was when we went to bed. After a few moments, Lori laid a hand on her back before she walked off.

I had already done two squirrels and when I went to reach for another, I realized Daryl and I had finished skinning the breakfast/dinner for everyone. Daryl tossed me an axe as he grabbed a pickaxe for himself. He laid the sharp object into a dead one's head, as did I.

They littered the camp.

T-dog and Glenn came over and dragged the bodies into a fire. I headed back over and stood near the camp fire in the center, resting my arm on the axe.

"She still won't move?" Rick asked, wandering over.

"She won't even talk to us," his wife informed. "She's been like that all night, what do we do?"

"We can't just leave Amy that way. We need to deal with it, same as the others," Shane ordered.

"I'll tell her how it is," Rick said.

Shane nodded and we watched as Rick walked over to the girls.

"Andrea?" Rick said, squatting down a bit.

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