Chapter 10

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 10
Quinn's POV

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I sneered.

He held my face close to his. I grabbed his wrist. I was in just the right position to snap it. I warned him to let me go. He didn't, he moved closer to my face, his hot breath panting on my lips.

So I snapped his wrist.

He immediately let me go and held onto his hand, shouting colorful words at me.

I started to jog away. "Get some help, you sick fuck."

I ran off towards the camp. Instead of stopping, I kept going straight into the woods. I ran and ran until I thought I was far enough. I leaned up against a tree and let a couple tears slip out.

Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe I've just been holding everything in too long and needed a reason to cry. I heard footsteps approaching me. Daryl came around the tree and saw me leaned against it.

"What happened? Did he hurt you?" he asked, grabbing my arms and looking them up and down.

I shook my head no.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked. "You know you can."

"I know," I managed.

He grabbed my hand. "C'mon, let's take that walk."


Rick's POV

"Shane, what happened?" I asked as he approached camp, shortly after Quinn ran off.

"Guess I said something wrong and she just ran off," he replied.

"Should I go after them?" Andrea asked.

"No, Daryl's got it," I answered. "She trusts him more than any of us."

"What happened?" T-dog asked, nodding towards Shane's hand. "Your wrist."

Just then I noticed that his wrist was a purplely-yellow color and it laid limply in his other hand.

"I twisted it wrong when I was cuttin' wood earlier," he said.

"I didn't notice a few minutes ago when you were sitting here."

"Guess it took a while to swell up," Shane defended.



Daryl's POV

I lead Quinn in the opposite direction of camp. She was like me, she needed to get away.

"He kissed me," she finally said, breaking the silence.

"What?" I asked, anger suddenly in my veins.

"He kissed me," she repeated. "He pushed me up against the wall, told me he was better than you, and then he kissed me. So, I snapped his wrist because nobody in this camp is better than you."

We had stopped walking now and were facing each other. I looked into her hazel eyes for a while.

"When he pushed me up against that wall, I could just feel my father there. It was like Shane was my father, holding me there like a damn piñata."

Her and I were so much alike, it was scary.

"I know how ya feel," I said.

She wiped away a tear and looked up. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Dad was an abusive drunk, lost my mom, Merle was always off in juvie. I had a shitty life, too, but I learned to get around it, just like you did."

She sighed. "You wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head. "Nah, let's just walk."

We kept walking. She was a step in front of me, but close enough to still hear me.


Quinn's POV

I was walking slightly in front of Daryl. I heard something tear and I turned around. His shirt had gotten caught on a limb. He spun around, only making it rip worse. He tried pulling it off the tree, but he couldn't do it. That's when I noticed the scars across Daryl's back.

He must've realized that I could see his bare back because he slowly turned around. He let go of his shirt and just stood there. I didn't know what to say. I slowly made my way over and gently pulled the shirt off the branch. I avoided the wound from his arrow and traced the long scars across his back, making goosebumps appear. Daryl turned around and that's when I realized we were only inches apart.

I slowly brought my eyes up from his chest and they immediately locked with his. Before I knew it, he leaned in and we kissed. Electric sparks flew through my body, causing my heart rate to pick up.

I was falling for Daryl Dixon.

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