Chapter 4

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 4
Quinn's POV

We were currently transferring gas from cars on the highway to ours. I would be on the bike with Daryl from now on since we were leaving his truck behind. I looked over as people piled into the cars. Daryl gave me a nod, calling me over. I hopped on the back. He started the bike and we took the lead.

Daryl's crossbow was resting behind me, and my gun was tucked in my boot. I placed my hands on his waist which made him tense a little but then he relaxed when I laid my head on his back.

We came to a part of the highway that was blocked by overturned cars and trucks. Daryl and I drove ahead to see if we could get the others through. We circled back to the RV.

"See a way through?" Dale asked.

I nodded and Daryl gave him a head nod to follow. We circled around the cars and slowly lead them through. We came to a stop when I heard a screeching noise behind us. I jumped off the bike. It was the camper again.

"I said it, didn't I say it? A thousand times, dead in the water," Dale said, shaking his head.

"Problem, Dale?" Shane asked.

"Just a small matter that we're stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of—" Dale stopped mid-sentence, staring at Daryl who was now rumaging through cars. "Okay, that was dumb."

"Can't find a radiator hose here," Shane opposed.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl piped in.

"Syphon some more fuel for a start," T-dog suggested.

"Maybe some water?" Carol mentioned.


"This is a graveyard," Lori pointed out. "I don't know how I feel about this..."

"Then stay close," I said. "We'll find some supplies and then look for a way out of here."

"Alright, alright, here we go," T-dog said, eyeing his first car.

"Come on y'all. Just look around, gather what you can," Shane ordered.

I wandered away from everyone else and down the highway. I managed to find some clothes, a pocket knife, two bottles of water, and a hair tie.

I bent over and gathered my hair. I stood back up to full height and wrapped the tie around my thick, brown hair. I kept walking, this time across the road to the other side. As I was looking through a car, the familiar smell came across my nose. I heard someone yelp in pain.

I backed out of the car and that's when I saw the huge herd. Keeping in a low stature, I ran to the other side of the car and noticed T-dog had cut himself badly. I felt something fall on me and not two seconds after, it went limp. I looked up to see Daryl as he ripped his knife out of the walker's head.

I gave him a nod as I threw the thing off of me and placed it on T-dog. I grabbed a walker from the car next door, as did Daryl and we used the same method.

When the last set of feet, from what seemed like hundreds, scuffed by, I threw the dead human off of me and stood, taking a breath of fresh air. Daryl ripped the walker off of T-dog and I helped him up. With how bad he was bleeding, we needed to put a bandage on it right this second.

I heard a scream and I ran back to the others while Daryl helped T. I saw a quick flash of Sophia's blue shirt as she slid down the dirt, Rick following behind.

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