Chapter 13

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 13
Quinn's POV

"Don't look," Daryl said as he pulled Carol up. Seeing that she wasn't listening, he repeated himself, "Don't look."

He tried to bring her away from the group but she yanked herself from his grip and walked off. Sobs could be heard from Beth as well. She made her way toward the buildup of dead bodies.

Rick tried to stop her. "Wait, wait."

You could tell he felt like absolute shit for this when in reality, none of it was his fault, it was Shane's doing. She kneeled next to who I'm assuming was her mother and sobbed. A groan made me jump; Beth's mother wasn't shot in the head yet.

"Get off!"

"Get away!"

As they tried to pull Beth from her mother's grip and people beat on the walker, I took action. I grabbed a pickaxe and swung it like a baseball bat, pushing it through the back of her head. Beth then glared at me and continued sobbing next to the dead body.


"We've been out, we've been combin' these woods and she's been in there all along?" Shane pestered as we followed Hershel and his family. "And you knew."

"Leave us alone," Maggie spat.

"Shane, just stop," Glenn said, a note of annoyance in his voice.

"Shane," I said, grabbing his arm to stop him.

He swatted my hand away. "Get your hands off me." He turned back to Hershel. "You knew and you kept it from us."

"I didn't know." Hershel's voice cracked and he kept his head hung low.

"That's bullshit," Shane hissed as we approached the steps. "I think y'all knew."

"We didn't know!" Maggie raised her voice, getting annoyed with Shane.

"Why was she in there?" Shane tormented.

"Otis put those people in the barn," Hershel said quietly. "Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed."

"You expect me to believe that?" Shane asked. "Do I look like an idiot?"


We reached the steps of his house and Hershel was now getting annoyed and defensive. "I don't care what you believe."

"Everybody just calm down," Rick said, using his hands to gesture.

"Get him off my land!" Hershel shouted.

"Let me tell you something," Shane said, stepping forward.

Maggie slapped Shane across the face. "Don't you touch him!" With that they started to the front door. "Haven't you done enough?"


"Want us to start burying?" T-dog asked as Rick and Lori approached.

"We need a service," Andrea interjected. "Carol would want that."

"Yeah, we all want that," I assured.

"Let's dig a grave for Sophia, Vanette, and Shawn over by those trees. We'll need a truck to move the bodies," Lori explained.

Jimmy perked up. "I'll get the keys—"

"I got the truck," Shane interrupted, walking off towards our camp.

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