Chapter 39

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 39
Quinn's POV

I came back to reality with a hand being waved in my face. Daryl and the rest of them were all surrounding me, staring. Things were unclear and obfuscated. Time seemed to move in slow motion as I looked around.

"I think I need to go lay down for a minute," I said as I walked away, holding my head.

I headed into the cellblock and plopped on the cot. I let a cough escape my lips as I was finally alone. I couldn't let them think I was sick, they'd separate me just to be safe. I'm probably just freaking out; I'm paranoid. I needed to help this group, especially if the Governor was involved. Even though we hadn't seen him in over a month, he was still out there that we know of. I heard someone clear their throat and I glanced up to see Daryl leaning against the door frame.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Mhm," I replied quickly, painting a smile on my face. "It was just really hot in there."

"Bullshit," he said as he walked further into the cell. "It could snow right now."

I sighed and fell backwards on the cot so I was facing the top bunk. I held in another tickle in my throat as Daryl sat down next to me. He placed a hand on my thigh and the other in his lap.

"I'm fine. Just paranoid," I said simply. "What about you?"

Daryl nodded. "Mhm. Gotta be."

I smiled slightly, sitting up.

"I told Glenn I'd get burrying some of the dead ones," he informed.

"Okay, I can help you."

"No," he said quickly. "You stay here and rest."

"Daryl, I'm fine—"

Daryl shot me a look. I leaned back against the bed frame and stared at the wall with my arms crossed. He stood up and walked out of the door without another word. After I knew he was gone, I stood and sheathed my knife on my hip.

I headed up to the perch. I fished through a pile of clothes sitting in the corner and grabbed a bandana, tying it around my neck. I jumped down the metal stairs and outside of the prison. I noticed Daryl and Rick talking down by where the others were burried.

"Rick! Daryl!" Maggie yelled.

As I looked over to what she was gesturing at, my mind clicked up a notch to panick mode.

"Oh...shit," I muttered as I opened the gate, grabbing a crowbar in the process.

I ran down the incline to the fences that were caving in. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to try and catch up to them. I ran through the gates and down to where the three were shoving items of any kind into the walkers.

I called for Glenn, Tyreese, and Sasha to follow me. I shoved my crowbar into the forehead of multiple heads. Just as I was about to kill another one, something else caught my eye. Multiple mice were lying in front of the fences.

"Are you seeing this?" I asked. "Is someone feeding these things?"

They all started to look, but we had bigger problems on our hands.

"Heads up!" Daryl called as the fences started to fall over.

We all had our backs to it, leaning on it as hard as we could, but it was only six of us against dozens of walkers. A walker squished his face so hard against the fence that it actually cut his head into squares. They were like spiders, crawling all over the fences.

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