Chapter 44

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 44
Quinn's POV

I jogged to the south side of the prison. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach when I didn't see him. I looked out into the courtyard where he was before I left. No sign of that familiar sandy hair. I sighed as I saw a few walkers heading for me. I turned on my heel and headed off into the woods.


I walked for quite a ways before dark fell over the chilly forest. I could see my shaky breaths as I walked further and further. I missed his warmth already. I found this all to be really weird; no sign of any of the group, they all just disappeared. Why hadn't I found at least one of them?

A low growl tore me from my thoughts and I froze. I turned my head ever so slightly before I saw a wolf emerge from the bushes. I pulled out my pistol that Daryl had given me a while ago and fired two shots to the chest. It fell to the ground with a thud.

I smiled weakly. "Dinner."

I lifted the animal up and over my shoulders even though I was feeling extremely weak and tired from all that running and fighting. I walked further, trying to get away from the place where I fired the gun; walkers were bound to come looking. Stupid. I shouldn't have fired it. I should've let it bite me. All meaning of living was gone anyways.

My family, the love of my life; gone. I'm just a whisper in the wind now. I sighed as I threw the wolf down onto ground and kicked it hard, tears forming in my eyes. I kept walking. The tears blurred my vision and drownsiness swept over me.


The sun had popped over the treetops and I was still walking the long stretch of woods. I missed him. I missed my family. I didn't even get to see if Carl or Judith had made it out. I could only hope. Somewhere deep down inside of me, a spark of hope was there but it was quickly fading with every ticking minute.

I finally emerged from the edge of the woods.
All of the sudden, a wave of nausea hit me and my hands flew to my stomach. I doubled over and the last of my stomach's contents laid on the ground in front of me.

I stood up to full height and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Not only was my head throbbing, but now I was extremely hungry. And to make things worse, I was pulled to the ground with a low moan.

I let out a screech as I tried to scooch out of its grasp. The walker went limp and a knife was pulled out, making blood spray all over my face. My heart beat sped up as I slowly sat up to see a bunch of strangers.

"Ooh, we got a lady here?" one clarified.

"Can't tell ya how long it's been since I've seen a woman so fine."

A crowd of hungry looking men surrounded me in a circle formation. My breathing hitched in my throat as I examined each and every one of their faces, no recognition registering in my mind.

"Stand up," one ordered.

He had black untidy hair and a shaggy black beard. He had a bow slung across his back, but nothing like Daryl's bow. I thought of Daryl, where he was at that moment; he could be perfectly fine or he could be in some deep shit like me.

"I said stand up!" he shouted.

Anger flooded through me. I stood abruptly and glared at him. "Don't talk to me like that."

"Or what?" he asked mockingly, taking a step closer.

"Or I'll knock that smirk right off your face," I said, standing my ground.

"You might wanna reconsider that—"

"Guys," an older gentleman said as he held up his hands. "We can work this out. Just calm down and do as each other says. We have rules here."

"Yeah, when I say stand, you stand," the kid spat, a smirk dancing across his features.

"And when I say don't talk to me like that, you lighten your tone," I said lowly.

He narrowed his black, beady eyes.

"Alright, alright," the older man said. "I think we can all be friends here." He held out a hand. "I'm Joe."

I looked at his hand, but kept mine close to my weapons. "Quinn."

He pulled his arm back, looking down. I examined each of their faces again. Some were young, some were quite old, yet they all seemed to look like douches. I took in a heavy breath as my stomach clenched again.

"You alright, Quinn?" Joe asked.

I nodded. "Fine."

"Alright, well, dark will be settling soon, we'd better go find somewhere to huddle down."

"Okay," I said. "Nice meeting you."

"Oh, you're coming with us," he said. "We take in just about everyone who comes along our path. Building up the population."

The black-haired guy glared at me. "Unless they get on our bad side."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Joe. "I'm lookin' for someone. I'll be alright on my own."

"That ain't gonna happen, missy," an older man piped up.

"And who the fuck are you?" I spat, perking an eyebrow.

"Just stay with us for the night. It'll make everyone feel better to know you're safe," Joe said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not sure I'll be safe," I muttered as I brushed past all of them, taking the lead.


We walked until dusk settled over us. I was introduced to everyone. I also learned that in order to keep what you want, you have to claim it. I turned off into the woods, the leaves crunching under my feet.

"Hey, where you goin'?" one of them yelled.

I turned around to face them. "Do you see any sign of shelter ahead?"

"We can't just sleep in the woods."

I shrugged as I pivoted and headed deeper into the sticks. "I can."

"Yeah, I'm with the woman," a voice said and soon after, footsteps crunched behind me.

I grasped onto a branch and heaved myself up. Once I was at the top, I settled down onto a limb and closed my eyes. I heard the men down below mumbling, but I paid no attention as I slowly drifted to sleep.

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