Chapter 50

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 50
Daryl's POV

Rick sprung to his feet and sunk his makeshift knife into the guy's neck. He then quickly took out the other one. With one final tug, I was able to get out of my binds. I knelt beside Glenn and attempted to untie the rope that bound him together.

My fingers fumbled with the knots a few times. Rage rumbled through me, stronger than I had ever felt before. I tugged once more and the knot became loose. On a table a few feet away from us, there was another dead body. Glenn tried to make sure he wouldn't turn, but Rick stopped him.

We followed Rick into a conjoined room. I cringed as I saw body parts strewn everywhere.

"If we run into any of these people," Rick began, "don't hesitate to kill them. They won't."

I didn't need any additional encouragement there. They had come between my woman and myself, and that was a big mistake. Before we left the room, I quickly broke off a pipe to use as a weapon, considering the fact that I didn't have my bow. We crept down a hallway and found the door out.

Peering over Rick's shoulder, I saw walkers distracted by a man's screams from a train car.

"We can sneak by without them noticing."

"We have to save them," Glenn said quickly. "We still have to be those people."

I found part of myself agreeing with Glenn, but the other was filled with worry about Quinn. Wherever she was right now, I could only hope she was raising hell.


Quinn's POV

I fought against Gareth's grip as he pulled me into a building. It was chaotic outside. The moans of the dead and the screams of people being eaten were getting louder. Gareth seemed pretty calm despite the fact that his so called sanctuary was falling apart in front of him.

He moved my wrists into one hand as he reached for a walkie-talkie on his belt. He pushed the button down and said, "Mary, are you there?" Static was his answer. "Mary?" His voice sounded more panicked than it had before and I took this as my chance.

I yanked my wrists from his grasp and placed both hands on his shoulders. I heard his walkie-talkie clatter to the ground before I brought my knee up and connected it with his stomach. He stumbled back a step, but didn't have time to recover before I threw a fist. It landed on the underside of his jaw as intended. His head snapped back and when he finally looked back at me, I saw a trail of blood running down from his mouth.

His right hand came back slowly so I had enough time to dodge his first blow. I wasn't fast enough for the second. It hit my left temple, causing me to lose my balance for a second. I regained my footing and threw another fist, landing it on the bridge of his nose. I lunged for the handle of a knife peeking from under his shirt.

He fought against me and we both ended up on the floor. He got on top of me but not for long because I was able to reach the knife. The cold metal sent a shiver down my spine. I pressed it to his throat. His eyes were wide with surprise. I pushed myself off the cement floor and slowly sat up, making sure to keep the knife right where it was. I rose to my feet. I saw his right hand moving closer to his side.

"Don't move another inch if you wanna keep that hand," I growled.

He sighed. "You would've fit in well here."

"Nah," I said as I backed up towards the door. "I'm not cannibal."

I stepped out of the building and looked around, trying to figure out where the hell I was. I pressed my back against a building as I made my way down the path. I kept Gareth's knife clenched in my hand. At the sound of a scream, I froze. The smell hit me next. I started running in the other direction.

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