Chapter 23

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 23
Quinn's POV

"Pantry's back here," Tomas notified.

We entered the cafeteria behind the prisoners. I still wasn't fond with them being here, but Rick seems to think it's the right thing to do.

"Never tried to break outta here?" T-dog asked.

"We tried to take the doors off, but if you make one peep in here, those freaks would be lined up at the door growlin' and tryin' to get in here," one explained. "Windows got bars on there that He-Man couldn't get through."

"Bigger than a five by eight."

"You won't find me complaining," the largest man said. "Doing fifteen. My left leg can barely fit on one of those bunks. Yeah, they don't call me Big Tiny for nothin'."

"You done jerking each other off?" Tomas asked. "I'm sick of waitin' back here."

I looked around as we filtered in behind them. The lying sacks of shit had so much food...they lied.

Daryl got in Mexican Boy's face. "This is what you call a little bit of food?"

"Goes fast," he defended, not backing down from Daryl.

"Mhm," Daryl said, pushing past him.

"You can have a bag of corn, some tuna fish—"

"You said half," Rick reminded. "That's the deal."

"What's in here?" I asked, gesturing to a metal door.

"Don't open that."

But I had already popped the door open. I gagged and slammed the door shut. I heard snickering from behind me.

"She wanted to know," Tomas sneered.

"Can't wait for my own pot to piss in."

Rick and T-dog brought some food back to our cellblock while Daryl and I stayed and watched the prisoners. They came back and we laid a variety of weapons in front of them.

"Why do I need this when I got this?" Tomas asked, showing us a hammer and then his gun.

"You don't fire guns, not unless your back's up against a wall," I informed.

"Noise attracks 'em," Daryl added. "Really riles 'em up."

"We'll go in two by two," Rick informed. "Daryl will run point with T. I'll bring up the rear with you." He pointed to the short man. "Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone who breaks out, we could all go down. Anyone who runs off..."

"Could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head," I finished for him, seeing that he was at a loss for words.

"And that's where you aim," Daryl added. "'Cause they only go down with a headshot."

"Ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man," Tomas retorted.

"They ain't men," T-dog reminded. "They're somethin' else."

"Just remember to go for the brain," Rick said, a note of annoyance to his voice.

We all picked up weapons and headed for the door.


Daryl and T-dog lead the way around a corner.

"Man, it's so damn dark in here," one of them said loudly.

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