Chapter 46

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*WARNING: Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content and strong language.*

Chapter 46
Quinn's POV

I awoke to an absence of warmth beside me. He must've gone out hunting. I stood and headed out through the woods. As I was walking, I heard the leaves crunching under my feet, but I stopped, hearing a second set of feet. As I turned around, a walker lunged onto me. I held it at arm's length as it snapped its teeth at me, black drool falling from its decayed lips.

I grunted in frustration as I tried to push it off of me. I rolled over so I was on top of it and slammed my knife into its forehead. I looked up to see Joe standing before me. He pulled me to my feet.

"Was just out lookin' for your boyfriend."

"Me, too," I said quietly as we started walking again.

We came around some trees and I heard voices.

"Yeah...I bet this bitch has got you all messed up," Len said.

I peered around the corner and saw him and Daryl staring at each other. Daryl held a limp, bloody rabbit in his hands.

"Mmm, am I right?" Len asked in his mocking tone.

I looked over at Joe, but he didn't seem phased by what was happening. Daryl started to walk away, but Len continued.

"Got you walkin' out here like a dead man who just lost himself a piece of tail. Must've been a gooden," he said sarcastically. "Tell me somethin'; is she as tough as she appears to be?"

I watched as Daryl unsheathed his knife.

"'Cause they don't last too long out here."

Daryl swung around, about to stab him. Before I could say anything, Joe was out there, holding Daryl's knife back.

"Easy, fellas," he said calmingly.

I stepped out from the treeline and placed my hand on Daryl's arm. I watched as Len let out an evil laugh.

"Let's just put our weapons down, see if we can find out what the real problem is here," Joe said as a ghost smile spread across his lips. "You claim it?" Joe asked.

"Hell yeah," Len answered as he swung his bow over his shoulder.

"Well, there ya go; that critter belongs to Len."

"So, let's have it," Len spat.

"Looks like you may be wantin' an explanation," Joe said lowly. "See, goin' at it alone ain't an option these days. Still, it is survival of the fittest. I laid out some rules to keep things from goin' Darwin every couple hours, keep our marry band together and stress-free. All you gotta do is claim. That's how you mark your territory, your pray, your bed at night. One word: claimed."

"I ain't claimin' nothin'," Daryl said lowly.

"We're gonna teach him, right?" Len asked Joe, not taking his eyes off of Daryl.

I moved my hand from his arm to his back and around his waist.

"The rules say we gotta teach 'im," Len said through gritted teeth.

Joe looked at me and I gave him a stern look.

"That wouldn't be fair to punish ya for violatin' a rule you didnt even know existed," Joe said as Len scoffed.

"There aren't rules anymore," Daryl said towards Len as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Oh, there are," Joe said quickly. "You know that. That's why I didn't kill ya for the crossbow and because you were with this here young lady."

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