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"Time, give me my yesterdays."
- 'In the Light,' by The Lumineers

Your dad stared awkwardly at both you, Gon, and Killua. After introducing them to him, you were all given some water and sat down at the table. "Let me get this right," your dad tapped his finger on the table, "You want to use something that I bought, pawn off of people with Gon's magical right arm or something-"

You quickly interrupted him, "It's technically not magical, it's completely natural. Gon just knows how to use it, plus he's kinda already really strong."

"Natural right arm or something, to buy a video game?" Your dad finished, crossing his hands. "I have one question," your dad held up one finger.

"What is it you want to ask?" Gon asked him, his hands were balled up on his thigh.

You looked at your dad and silently pleaded that he wouldn't ask anything too personal. "What game do you want to buy?" 

You were not expecting that. "They want to get Greed Island," you answered, pointing to them lazily. 

"Greed Island, yes I've heard of that," your dad nodded his head, placing his elbows on the table. "And you need [y/n]'s help to acquire the game?"

"Well, yeah, we wouldn't want to do it without her," Gon said, shrugged his shoulders.

"And will [y/n] be allowed to play said game?"

"Of course."

"Then I see no issue," your dad stood up from the table, patting his empty pockets. "Gem, gem," he mumbled, looking around the room, "I left it somewhere around here." He pulled the blankets and sheets off of the bed, before looking underneath it.

While your dad trashed the room looking for the gem, you turned to Gon and Killua, "Sorry if this is taking forever, my dad is usually more punctual then this. He's probably a bit freaked out about you guys being here." You were definitely lying. Your dad was a bit of a scatterbrain when he was off the job, but they didn't need to know that. 

"It's fine, Aunt Mito is a bit like that as well," Gon folded his arms on the table, leaning his chin on them. "She regularly misplaces things and forgets where they are."

"Maybe it's an old person thing," Killua shrugged, "My mom is always jumping from one thing to the next. If it doesn't have to do with killing someone, then it won't hold her attention for very long." Killua pushed his seat out and rested his hands on his knees.

"Probably," you nodded leaning back. You looked over and saw your dad sticking his arm in between couch cushions, his face the picture of concentration and frustration. "Do you need some help?" You stood up from your chair and walked over to him, pulling your sleeves up.

"Yeah, just stick your hand down there and grab the first thing you feel," he said, pulling his arm out. He rubbed the part were his hand got stuck, a red mark running down his arm.

"Got it," you moved your hand down it and grabbed the first thing you touched. Pulling it out, you handed it to your dad, "And we have a brochure for this hotel." Sticking your hand back down, you vaguely heard your dad walking away.

Grabbing what you could, you pulled out an old pillowcase. Throwing that on the ground, you went back in again. "Oh, hey, I found it! You can stop doing that [y/n]," you heard Killua say. Pulling your hand out, you proceeded to rub the part where the couch had scratched it. 

"You could say that I've got a c-ouch burn," you pointed to the red mark, laughing to yourself. You looked over to your father who had the same burn, from when he stuck his hand down, and placed your arm next to his, "Look, we're twins." You looked over to Killua, who was currently reaching into the closet, "Triplets, we're triplets."

"How're you triplets? It was just you and your dad who reached into the couch," Gon questioned, pointing to where your mark was on his arm.

'Gon doesn't know?'  You thought back to any of your previous conversations, and it was true, you had never told Gon about it. You thought that Killua might've told him, but it seems as though it was never brought up.

"I'll explain it on our way back," Killua answered, coming out of the closet. "This the gem?" 

"Yeah," your dad nodded, taking it from his hand. He handed it to you and ushered you out of the room, "[y/n], Gon, I'd like to speak to this young lad here alone for a moment. Be a dear and just wait out there."

"Sure," Gon nodded and walked out the room, you following behind him. You tried to stall a bit at the door, wanting to hear what they were talking about, but Gon had started talking to you before you could. "So, what was Killua going to explain?"

"Oh, that," you walked out the door and shut it behind you, "Me and him are soulmates."

"Woah, really?" The tips of Gon's ears turned pink and he let out some laughs, "That would explain a lot."

"What do you mean?" You asked, sliding your back down the wall by the door. Gon sat down next to you, while the gem was sitting on your lap. 

"Nothing that you need to worry about," Gon placed his hands on either side of himself and leaned his head back on the wall, "Promise," he held out his hand with his pinkie extended out.

"That just makes me worry more," you mumbled, placing your pinkie next to his. You both wrapped your pinkie's around each others and shook with each word, "One, two, three, and four," before letting go. 

"Do you really think we'll be able to pull this off?" Gon asked, his voice more somber. "I mean, 8.9 billion Jenny is a lot, especially for us."

You placed a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking it, "Don't fret it, we'll get that game. Beside, even if we don't get to buy it, who could reject three adorable kids asking for a chance to play?" You retracted your hand from him and placed it over the case containing the gem. "We'll succeed, I know we will."

"Thanks [y/n]," he let out a sigh and closed his eyes, "I haven't felt this useless since the third phase." He opened his eyes back up again and smiled widely, "But I feel a bit better now."

"Glad I could help," you smiled back at him, "It sucks to feel useless."

"Sure does."

A comfortable silence fell on you, one that felt nice. It was soon broken from the door opening and slamming shut, an irritated Killua walking out. "You good there?" You asked, standing up. You looked at him and noticed his face was scrunched up, a light pink blush covered his cheeks, and his teeth were clenched, "You look pretty mad."

"I'm fine, let's just go," he quickly responded, roughly shoving his hands in his pockets. 

You caught his wrist, making sure to place your fingers on his inner palm, and felt his quick heartbeat, "You should calm down before we go anywhere. As much as I trust your own self-control, people are annoying and can quickly get on your nerves." You felt your face grow warm at what you did and you quickly released his hand, "O-Of course, if you think you're okay to go out then we can go out. I just think that it'd be best that we're all in good spirits, like Gon was talking about how bad he felt and we kinda resolved it, I mean hopefully we resolved it. And uh-"

"No, I get it," Killua took a few deep breaths, before a small smile made it's way to his face. "You're dad is an irritating guy, but he seems nice. He definitely told me a lot about you and your family," he began walking down the hallway, you and Gon on either side.

"What exactly did he tell you?" You asked, hoping it wasn't anything embarrassing. 

"That's a secret," KIllua held a finger up to his lips, indicating silence, "But he gave me some tips for the auction as well, like price the arm wrestles pretty low, because people will want to challenge Gon. Especially if he's beating them, people have their pride y'know." He pressed a button for the elevator, the numbers on top changing, "With enough people, we'll eventually make a fortune."

"Good idea."

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