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"Hold on, hold on and we'll get by as static space lovers."
- 'Static Space Lover

You felt antsy waiting for the next few people to go. It was a few days after the first day of the auction, the day that Tsezguerra would test the three of you again. You decided to go in a few people after Killua, which was coming soon.

He left once the line had died down quite a bit, after someone told you about the trick to the whole test. You felt the familiar burning sensation through your veins, but you ignored it, now that you knew the cause. You stood up, said good luck to Gon (who returned the notion), and stood in line. Once you were standing next to the theater curtain, it seemed it took forever for them to announce that the person was finished. You took a deep breath and stepped through, standing in a small room.

"Well," Tsezguerra raised his eyebrow, "show me what you got."

"What do you want me to show you?" You asked, starting to pace around the room. "I have my healing ability, but I don't think you're interested in that. But my other one is so uncomfortable to watch, not to mention actually doing it. So, would you rather my offense or my support? I'm like a field medic that can punch you pretty hard. Which reminds me, medics don't get enough recognition. What is up with that? Just because some of them don't have a kill count?"

"Will you please stop rambling, I have other people to test," it didn't seem that he liked you all that much. 

"Oh, uh, yeah. We'll just go with offensive," you stood in your position and began imagining your Nen flowing through you. Beginning to move it a bit, you heard the distinct crack and clenched your teeth. Looking down at your arm, you saw the bit of white peeking out of the sea of red. Grabbing it, you almost shivered at the feeling of your arm going limp. Shaking your shoulder, you activated your healing ability and began repairing the gash in your arm. Throwing your bone in the air, you caught it and extended your hand out, "Bones are one of the strongest materials out there, seemed only natural to make it into some sort of weapon." 

You gestured for him to take it, you weren't surprised when he said no. Instead, he pointed to your other arm, the one that you took the bone out of, and watched as it morphed together, "Is that the healing ability you were talking about?"

"Yeah, although this one I had to severely limit. It didn't seem possible to be that powerful, especially since I don't come from any special families, so I'm only allowed to heal myself when I use my offensive ability. Which I don't use very often because it seems to freak people out," you laughed a bit, thinking about when you showed your mom your new trick. "I can also move my bones around my body, as in, changing my bone structure. Drew that inspiration from a little shape-shifter I met during the Hunter Exam, although met is putting it lightly," you stopped your gash from healing, quickly reinserting your bone and making sure it was in place, before letting it begin again. "Did I mention that I tend to ramble when I'm nervous, but feel safe?"

A silence overcame the room, before Tsezguerra finally said, "You pass. You can proceed to the door over there." He vaguely gestured to the door to the left of you. 

You walked to it, before turning around and asking, "Do you have any tissues I could borrow? There's blood on my hand and arm, not my favorite smell in the world." He nodded and pointed to the back of the room, where there was a small table with a box of tissues. It was next to a door, so you assumed that's where people who didn't make it went.

Did they cry, you wondered?

Grabbing four of them, you walked through the door and scanned for Killua. Waving at him with your bloody hand, you walked to where he was sitting and took a seat. 

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