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"No more dreams to dream about, so life is done."
- 'Nocturne,' in Castlevania 'Symphony of the Night.' (English Ver.)

"Now remember," Leorio started, opening up the table. Setting it on the ground, he placed his hands on his hips, "Pretend to struggle a bit, make it look realistic. And, hey, you got this Gon!" He patted Gon on the back roughly, enough to make Gon stumble forward.

"So the plan is, and correct me if I'm wrong here, you yell at people to get them to join, Gon is the arm wrestler, what do me and Killua do?" You asked the mastermind behind the whole thing, watching as he brought out the gem you had picked up. 

Leorio opened up the lid and handed it to you, "We're going to have you hold the reward." He placed down two stools at opposite end of the table, "But if you're uncomfortable with that, then you can help me advertise."

"I'll hold the gem, less talking on my part," you said, closing the lid. "The whole yelling bit just isn't for me."

"Sounds like someone has some weak vocal chords," Leorio teased, placing his hands on his hips. 

You grumbled and handed the box to Killua, "Fine, maybe I will advertise and yell and all that good stuff." You knew you were acting childish and, not only that, falling for his trap, but he couldn't just make fun of you like that!

"That's the spirit," Leorio patted you on the back as well, hard enough that you jumped forward. "Killua, you'll hold the reward."

"Fine with me," Killua looked down at the box and shrugged.

You knocked his shoulder with your own, smiling at him, "C'mon, at least try and act more excited! We're about to cheat a bunch of people who think that Gon ain't worth crap." You lightly joked, hoping to get something out of him.

"We could earn more if Leorio jacked up the price a bit more," he grumbled, eyeing Leorio.

"We won't profit if we're too expensive that people won't even want to try. Besides, 10,000 Jenny is a reasonable price," Leorio told him. 

While the two of them bickered over the price, you looked over at the sun, which was beginning to set. "We should probably get started, it's going to get dark soon," you gestured vaguely down the street, where people were bustling in and out of.

"Fine, is everyone else ready?" Leorio stopped his argument with Killua, adjusting the glasses on his face.


"I guess so."


"Come one, come all, and arm wrestle this kid for the chance to win a gem worth three million Jenny!" Leorio yelled, gesturing to Killua. He walked around and soon, a small crowd gathered around the four of you.

'I guess I should start yelling too,'  you walked a bit more forward, trying to make sure everyone could see you. 

"Believe you're a strong fella? Come and test it out against a boy of only thirteen! Bet you can't beat him!" You had no idea what you were saying, whatever slew of nonsense came to your head went straight to your mouth.

The night went on and on like this, to the point where you were ready to go to sleep. Someone would come, boast about how strong they were, Gon would put on an act, the person would lose, and, if they were determined enough, they might try again. 

You helped Leorio with getting the word out, but most of the people coming came by word of mouth. You were getting tired and all that yelling had hurt your throat. You didn't want to get laryngitis and wait a week before speaking didn't hurt anymore, so you let Leorio do most of the work.

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