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Adelaide came back from hunting and heard Edward. She growled and attacked him. "Jasper!" Marylin calls out as she ran to stop her friend. "Adelaide is pissed!"

Jasper grabbed his mate and growled at Edward. Marylin saw Adelaide trying her best to get out of Jasper's arms. "Let me go!" She said. "He put the last of my family in danger."

"Adelaide, I swear I didn't mean for her to become suspicious and I will try to fix it." Edward tells her. "Jasper, take her somewhere where she will calm down."

They saw the cracks on Edward disappear. No one said a word as Edward walked in. Adelaide made a point and because of Edward, Bella Swan is in danger or wanting to be like them.
The next school day, Adelaide was in a better mood since Jasper was promising to take them on a hunting trip. A promise Adelaide knows he always keeps. She could say that's one of her reasons she fell in love with Jasper. He always made her happy and kept his promises. "Adelaide." She turned to see Bella. "I'm sorry for bothering you..."

"Your fine." She says. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"I was wondering if Edward told you why he left."

Adelaide smiled as she knew this wasn't the question Bella wanted to ask, but she was going to play along. "He had a death in his family." She said. "He didn't mean to treat you that way, but he was upset that no one from that side told him."

"Oh." She said. "Well I hope he's okay."

Adelaide smiled as the bell rang. She walked out to see Jasper and Marylin. "So?"

"She is suspicious, but nervous to ask the actual question." Adelaide tells them. "Let's hope Edward has a better explanation about his disappearance."

Jasper kissed her head as they met up with their family. Edward heard every word and knew he better start planning before biology came. "Ads, what are you planning to do when we get home?" Emmett asked.

"Em, it's wrestling day." Adelaide said. "I promise to go easy on you and Jasper."

"What was that, darling?" Jasper asked.

Adelaide just walked away with a smirk on her face. "I love you." She replies as she ran to her class with Alice, who was laughing.

Rosalie smiled. "I'm with her." She said as she followed the two in.
Once school ended, Adelaide was smiling as Marylin was discussing a project she had already done and was tired of it. "I have done that project more than once and I'm afraid this will never end."

"You had a choice to stay home or go." Jasper tells her. "You chose to be with your mate."

"I didn't like the thought of someone flirting with what's mine."

"Now you know how Jasper and Emmett feels." Rosalie tells her.

Adelaide went to say a word when she was cut off by the sound of a vehicle losing control. They all looked to see Tyler losing control. His van was heading straight for Bella. Jasper turned his mate away just for Edward to mess up. "I will kill him." Adelaide says.

"Oh. He's dead." Rosalie said as she got in her car.

"Let's go." Jasper tells her as they got in.

Adelaide looked back at Bella Swan and sighed. If Edward isn't going to be strict, she will.

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