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After she learnt that her brother had married a woman named AnnaBeth, she knew why Bella was here now. Jasper kissed Adelaide as he new she was upset about all this. "I missed so much." Adelaide said as she looked at Jasper. "I don't know what to say. I thought I loved this life, but learning that I missed out on everything and it hurts."

"Darlin', it wasn't your fault." Jasper tells her. "At least you have a family now."

Adelaide smiled as she looked at Jasper with a smile. Kissing him before she stood up to get dressed. "I know for sure Bella will be suspicious." She said as she looked in the mirror. "Edward left and she will start paying close attention and when she does, I'm going to kill Edward."

Jasper kissed her head letting her know she was right. If Bella is suspicious of them it will be over Edward leaving. When Adelaide turn around dressed and ready, she kissed Jasper making him look at her. "Lets go."
At school, Adelaide was proven right. Bella Swan was suspicious of them. Jasper grabbed his mate and walked away with her as they didn't want to deal with the staring. Edward may not live once he comes back. Adelaide Swan Cullen will be the one to kill him. "I believe he should have listened to Adelaide instead of ignoring her. If Adelaide was suspicious as human than someone along her blood line would have been just like Adelaide." Rosalie said. "And look there is one."

"Rosalie, take your anger out on Edward. This is his fault and he would have to fix this before she finds out or worse gets herself in danger." Adelaide tells her. "I don't want her putting her life on the line so she can find out about us or worse. She would want to be like us."

"Lets get you to class, darlin'." Jasper said as he lead her away from Rosalie.

Rosalie stood shock by those words and knew that Adelaide was right. Edward Cullen has put them in danger and for what. Over his bloodsinger.

Adelaide looked at Bella and smiled a little knowing that this week will be long and there is nothing they could do to stop it because this will be Edward's job as he was the on who made her suspicious in the first place.
The next day was worse, Bella kept watching them and Adelaide knew that she noticed they don't eat. The one thing that no one has caught on, but Bella. Adelaide laid her head on the table making Jasper stroke her hair. "Ads, what's wrong?" Marilyn asked.

"Easy." She replies. "Bella made her first note."

"And that would be..."

"Emmett, we're not eating." Adelaide said making them stare at her. "We're getting food and not eating it. We're screwed."

One by one, each of them looked at one another knowing there was no way of getting out of this. Bella will know soon and the Cullens might be in danger and so will Charlie. Something that Adelaide refuses to let happen. She grabbed Jasper's hand and smiled as she stood up and walked away with him as Bella watched closely. "Darlin', I know that your worried, but there is nothing that can be done now. All we have to do is leave it up to Edward."

"Okay." Adelaide said as she kissed him. "I love you, Jasper."

"I love you, darlin'. Now lets get to class."

Adelaide rolled her eyes and walked with him.
Through out the rest of the week, things didn't change. Adelaide was becoming agitated by her own niece as the staring kept going on. Adelaide wanted her niece to have a human life, but something was telling her that was not going to happen. No matter how much Adelaide would like to know Bella. She had no other choice, but to ignore her.

Jasper was there to comfort her when she came out of class upset or upset with the fact no one listened to her about how this was going to turn out. Only two people believed her. Jasper and Marilyn. They believed her. Adelaide wanted to protect her mate, herself, and Marilyn from Bella's blood. Something that was hard for the three, especially Jasper. They just needed to wait for Edward to come back and fix the mess he started if its not too late.

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