Straw Hats VS Oars

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Once inside his mouth, you maneuvered away from his teeth sliding down his tongue, "I'll meet them all on the other side.." You whispered out gagging slightly from the stench of his breathe.


Everyone stared worriedly waiting for your return, "Guys I hate to say it but she said do what we can out here.." Franky muttered out seeing Oars trying to reach inside his mouth for you. Sanji nodded, "We can't let him get Y/N-swan! Franky is right!" Zoro nodded unsheathing his swords, "Let's get him and buy her some time to do whatever it is she has planned." Everyone nodded jumping as Franky called out to them, "We'll use the special Tactic fifteen! Everyone on my count!" Oars stopped staring at them in shock waiting for a big reveal. Zoro and Sanji climbed on Franky's shoulders, as Usopp and Chopper grabbed his legs, "Let's do this!!" They stopped seeing Robin wasn't on them as well. "Robin Quickly jump on!" She stared at them shaking her head, "But Robin-" Usopp stopped seeing her dark glare. "No." Oars sighed in relief, "Man I thought you guys were gonna do something cool!" He swung his right arm laughing as he sent all of them flying back. "Damnit!" Zoro yelled out. What was taking you so long?


"Where am I?!" You looked around seeing no organs only an empty stomach with some building part he must've eaten. "Huh...WOAH!!" You fell over as Oars moved roughly around. "Gotta stay still.." You stood back up taking a deep breathe readily, "Let's hope this is enough salt." You stilled your breathing concentrating on the sound of your heart beat. "Goddess of the sea I call to thee... Wait what the hell?!"


"Guys we need to knock him down," Zoro grunted out moving away from thrown rubble, "Y/N-Swan is still in there we can't just-" "We don't have a choice!!" Zoro yelled out readying his swords. "108-pound cannon!!" Oars blocked it but had fallen over on his head, "Now look at this he's stuck.." Robin smirked with everyone else beginning to attack his head. "Oi wait!!" Oars yelled out standing up before falling his to his knees. Everyone stared in shock as he began to gag. "Something is coming out!!" He gasped out suddenly opening his mouth. Huge amounts of water came spilling from his mouth. "It must be Y/N-" Usopp stopped staring in shock as the water turned pink. "Wait why is it pink?" Robin's eyes widened realizing it could only be reddish-pink for a reason, "It's blood.." Zoro looked in shock with Sanji and Chopper as Franky rushed towards him hoping to pull you out. Before he could reach Oars, you came flopping out in the waves of water.." Everyone rushed towards you, "Y/N!!!!!!" You sat up coughing out water, "My shadow was taken again..." They looked at you in shock as you stood up wincing. "Your stomach.." Chopper whispered out in shock seeing it torn up, "I'm fine. No thanks to you!! No point in hiding if you don't come out of there I'll just tell them!!" They stared in shock seeing Oars stomach open. Gecko Moria sat inside laughing drenched in water. "You were about to explode my biggest creation especially with that attack you were doing. You were so close too haha!" You clenched your teeth seeing him laugh. "Guys we need to get Luffy's shadow back first so even if it reaches sunrise, he can still fight." Zoro nodded at your words in agreement, "Y/N-swan is right." Sanji told everyone. "You need to stay back though-" "I'm not." You cut Zoro off. He glared at you, "Your too hurt now-" " You've literally had worser wounds than me and still fought. I'm fine Zoro." Zoro clenched his fist, "Y/N I'm not telling you again, your not fighting anymore your wounds are deep and all you'll do is slow us down! We don't want to worry about you while taking him down-" "So I'm a burden now." He stopped seeing you looking away. You dryly laughed, "That gave me the answer I needed.." You moved in front of them angrily, "If you don't trust my abilities then," You made a water ball, "Why did you travel with me for so long?!" You made a water typhoon sending it hurling towards Oars. Everyone stood quiet at your and Zoro's exchange. Zoro stood quiet silently fuming, more at himself than you. He was angry because he didn't want you getting hurt but he should not have doubted your abilities and tried to hold you back from a fight. "What are we all waiting for I can't be the only one attacking?!" You yelled at everyone sending water shots at Oars. Robin looked at you noticing your eyes were slightly watery. You were holding back tears. Sanji growled angrily noticing as well moving with you, "We need to work together." Chopper yelled out. Zoro shook his head agreeing, you both could deal with this later. "Usopp go find a mountain of salt so we could purify him now!!" Usopp nodded following Zoro's orders. Zoro began to call out where to go. Right as Oars swung to hit you, he was stopped by Nami's shocking tempo. "I'm here guys!!" She yelled out before screaming as Oars headed towards her. "Water whip!" You wrapped your whip around his arm successfully pulling him back in time. "Nami move!!" You grunted out. Oars moved heading towards Usopp and Chopper who had been searching for the salt. The kitchen wall had been torn out earlier. Oars had discovered he could stretch like Luffy and tried to do an attack on Usopp. Gecko Moira had been moving his shadow to stretch him like Luffy. Robin had stopped Gecko Moira by cracking his neck. He smirked and used his shadows to steal her shadow. Sanji growing angry used his fiery kicks to attack Oars. Oars sent him flying. In a desperate attempt, Sanji and Chopper combined attacks to take him down. He sent them flying knocking them out in the process. "We need to get the salt in his mouth, Robin, Sanji,Chopper, and Franky are down. It's just us.." Zoro nodded. "Usopp and Nami have the salt, Zoro we have to make an opening.." Zoro sighed, "I'll need your help-" "I'm already on it. Goddess of the sea, I call to thee.." Gecko Moira's eyes widened realizing what you were doing, "Zoro once I do this you move in I'm putting everything I have into this.." "Y/N don't push yourself and..thank you." You nodded smiling, "Cover me." Gecko Moira yelled at Oars to go after you. "Water," You gathered any nearby water and all your energy going so far to grab some salt, Oars gasped seeing a missile launcher form in your hands. "SHOT!!" He was pushed back harshly by the huge blast of water, to the left of you, you quickly made a huge wave to help Zoro up. Zoro quickly using his new sword landed a strong hit on Oars. "USOPP NOW!!!" Usopp and Nami shot the salt into Oars mouth. Zoro landed harshly knocking him out. You had fallen forward panting. Gecko Moira laughed using his shadow to pull the salt out of Oars. "NO!!!" Moira laughed sending Oars after Nami and Usopp. "Water whip!!" Even in your exhausted state, you made your water whip quickly wrapping them around Oars arms. "Y/N!!" Usopp yelled out for you seeing you make a water chain on your legs to hold you down. "MOVE GUYS! I CAN ONLY HOLD HIM FOR SO LONG!!" They nodded beginning to run. Moria laughed sending one of his shadows to attack you. "Y/N!!!" Nami and Usopp screamed out for you as you fell to your knees. The shadow had gone through you tearing your stomach more than it already was. Zoro was right you were an idiot for thinking you could fight..But you had too. Nami and Usopp need help right now and everyone is down now. You clutched your stomach falling forward, weakly reaching out for them. "No-" Luffy had stopped Oars in time sending him flying back. "Luffy what happened to you?!" Nami yelled out. He was wielding a sword and was blue, not to mention hugely muscular. Sighing in relief, you let your eyes close wanting to rest just for a while.


"HELP!!" Your eyes shot open seeing Usopp run towards you with Oars behind. "Water wall!!" You quickly stood up tripping Oars over, "Usopp catch me up!" He nodded explaining how Luffy had all the shadows inside of him. They had all spilled out. Everyone had awaken and you all planned on taking Oars down. "Got it!!" You gasped noticing Oars was about to step on you, Zoro grabbed you in time moving you away. "You okay?" You nodded not having the heart to look at him. "Let's take him down." He grabbed your face trying to get you to stare at him. You nodded still slightly upset by his earlier statement. "Y/N we need to freeze his legs!!" Chopper cried out to you helping everyone make a plan to take him down. Zoro had used his three thousand world hit to straighten Oars back, Nami and you made water to help Franky and Usopp freeze his legs with their wind canon. Robin made rope with her arms for Brook to jump on as he carried Luffy to the top. Sanji used a chain to help keep Oars in place. Luffy used his third gear and dropped down hitting Oar's head breaking his spine in half. The victory though was short lived, Gecko Moira climbed out of Oar's cockpit deciding to take everyone's shadows, all of the zombies as well. He grew into this huge deformed version of himself. "Haha..." You nervously laughed wanting to tear up seeing his huge form. You felt exhaustion take over your body. Your stomach throbbed in pain. Luffy moved in front of you all activating his second gear ready to fight Moria off for as long as he could. He was determined to get all your shadows back. The sun was coming up now. "Luffy will handle it," Zoro grabbed you to hold you close, "About earlier Y/N I-" "I'm not ready for that just yet.." You moved away from Zoro facing him, "Not here, not now." He nodded looking away. He had really hurt you.


Luffy had defeated Gecko Moira and fallen down. "Luffy sure has been going extreme with all of his fights," Usopp mumbled out as Chopper tended to him. Chopper hummed in agreement, "Y/N I'll tend to you after I help Luffy." You nodded in thanks before hearing Nami's gasp. Kuma, a warlord, had appeared. He had been given orders to revive Gecko Moira and defeat those who had saw him fall. "I'll let you all live if you hand Luffy over to me and the world government." You stood up shakily with everyone before all yelling at him, "NEVER!!!!" Kumar stared unimpressed before taking down the people who had given Luffy the shadows. "I'll start with you first." He looked at Zoro, Franky laughed doubting his abilities, "Franky no!!" Kumar released a huge bomb knocking everyone out, except you. You had made a water shield in time to stop it from hitting you. Kuma stared at you, "Your weak sea witch-" "I have a name. I'm tired of the world government and the bad guys referring to me as sea witch." He stared at you seeing you form a water ball, "Do you really think you'll win Y/N? Your injured badly." He pointed down at your stomach that had a long gash on it seeping through the yellow shirt and denim overalls you had on. "Honestly I know I might not win..but I can't let you take my captain. He's an idiot, but he's our idiot and every damn time one of us is in need he doesn't hesitate to put his life on the line for any of us, so I won't hesitate to put my life on the line for his." Zoro had heard your words and couldn't agree more. He made a sneak attack hitting Kuma. "Your right Y/N.." You nodded helping him up as he fell slightly forward. "Then I have a proposition to take for you both. If your so willing to fight for your captain will you accept his pain?" Kuma reached into Luffy's body pulling out a huge red ball in the shape of a cat print. "Zoro-" "One of you take his pain and I'll let all of you live and leave this place." Zoro nodded knowing he would not let you do this, he could handle it. He wasn't as injured as you were. "No..I know what your thinking Zoro please don't I'll do it." Zoro looked at you seriously, "It has to be me-" "NO IT DOESNT!" Zoro walked up to you, "It does. You'll forgive me." "What are you talking about-" Zoro punched you in the stomach catching you as you fell forward gasping out in pain. His hit hurt your already open wound so much you passed out. "Sorry Y/N..I can't let you get hurt." He laid you down before turning towards Kuma. "Let's go." Sanji had heard everything and tried to trade his life for Zoro's. Zoro knocked him out as well before accepting Luffy's pain.


A good while later you awakened feeling every part of your body sore, your shirt was completely soaked in your blood. "Y/N-swan.." Sanji helped you up seeing you trying to stand. Everyone else began to slowly stand up as well. "Where's Zoro?.." Sanji shrugged sighing nervously, "Let's find him yeah?" You nodded the last thing you remembered was Zoro punching you. After wandering around, you found him and rushed forward with Sanji stopping seeing the blood splattered everywhere. Sanji gasped as your eyes went wide seeing him torn apart. "Nothing Happened here." He grunted out weakly opening his eyes to stare at you both. Tears rushed down your face as you began to hyper-ventilate, "NO! NO!!" The last thing Zoro heard before he fell was something that wound haunt Sanji and him for a short while. The loud sob and scream that tore through your throat as you fell to your knees.

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