An Island filled with Children

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You quickly moved dodging the attack making a water sword. "Help me marine lady please!!!" The little girl screamed. You still had the uniform on. "I got you!!" Suddenly a group of children came out with spears. "They have Kotoro!!" They screamed trying to attack it. "Water dome!" You made a dome around the children jumping on the beast arm with your sword. "Stay back I'll get your friend." "Yashiro she's a marine!! They're here for us!!!" His eyes grew big with hope as you made quick work of it catching the little girl as it fell. "I got you.." You gently set her down panting seeing the beast that looked like a giant bird fall. "Guys we can eat tonight too!!!!" You gasped in shock feeling all of them surround you hugging your legs. "Thank you Marine lady!!!" You rubbed the back of your head nervously. "I'm not a marine...." They immediately jumped back. "If your not a marine your a pirate..." They pointed their spears at you. "I am but I'm not gonna hurt anyone- Water wave!" You tripped all of them as they all tried to attack. "Listen to me ! I am not a marine and I am a pirate, but a nice one so can you all please calm down.." You stopped hearing a stomach growl loudly. Multiple stomachs began to growl. The little girl from before stepped forward watery in the eyes. "It's been 6 days since we ate..." You looked down before seeing the young boy, Yashiro, step forward "Do you promise not to hurt us?..." He pointed his spear at you shakily. The way he looked reminded you of Zoro, as a child. The first time he ever used his sword was to protect you. This kid was just trying to protect the other kids. "I promise you have my word.." You carefully walked towards the giant beast as they all stared intensely, "You all are hungry right?.." They nodded hesitantly. "I'll make you some food...It's a giant bird let me cook it alright..." You used to have to make food for Zoro and you all the time. You had some experienced, but nothing could beat Sanji's. Cutting the bird with your sword, you made a small fire roasting it with some herbs you found nearby. "The blueberries are poisonous.." The young girl from before approached. "Okay thank you for letting me know.." After making the food, the children all stared as you served yourself. "I didn't just make this for me. Come serve yourself." They all immediately ran to the food hurriedly serving themselves and stuffing their faces. Yashiro, the young boy and leader, served himself and sat next to you. He glared softly before beginning to also stuff his face. "I still don't trust you...but I'm too hungry and tired to care." You laughed seeing him scowl. It looked exactly like Zoro's. "You remind me of a friend...he's a stubborn man too." Yashiro glared chewing on the meat. "Your not eating is it cause it's poison-" "It's not I just don't honestly feel like eating at the moment..but to ease you." You took a bite of the food and swallowed it to show him it was safe. "I know if I didn't eat you would've been up all night thinking of the my friend...So are you the oldest here?" Yashiro nodded. "I'm ten..Kotoro is nine she's my best friend...." You nodded seeing the way he looked at her as if she was the sun and the moon. Young love...The way he looked at her was the way Zoro looked at you. Not that you knew that though. "Has Kotoro been here the longest besides you?" He nodded. "The other older children died. You see we were abandoned. The Island we originally come from doesn't know what to do with the unwanted children so we get sent here." Your eyes widened at his statement. "Do the marines know?" He shook his head. "The Islanders would get in trouble and they refuse to tell them. They only send us stuff once every two weeks.." You nodded clenching your fist. They think they can apologize by just sending minimal items for all these kids. Luffy would've tracked down the people and beat the crap out of them with you. Yashiro looked smiling seeing Kotoro feed the smaller children. "She's the kindest person you'd ever meet..." You nodded smiling. He stood up suddenly seeing the children start yawning, "Alright bed time!" "No Yashiro...we don't wanna sleep!" They all began to whine. "Enough! I don't wanna hear another word! Thank the nice lady and follow Kotoro so she can tuck all of you in now!" They stood up nodding. You laughed lightly as they all passed you saying thanks. "I'm assuming your leaving now." Yashiro mumbled out looking down. You smiled rubbing his head. "I can stay here for a bit kid..." Yeah you wanted to get back to Luffy and tell him, but these kids needed someone. That night you dreamt of a memory. It was of when you both were younger at the age of 14.


Zoro and you had just gotten into an argument. It had started to rain as you cried under the water dome you made around yourself. "Even more water that's great.." You hiccuped wrapping your arms around yourself. Zoro had screamed at you about training. You had slipped up and almost got hit by his sword and seriously injured. He grew angry at himself but took it out on you calling you weak. He said all the training you guys had been doing was for nothing cause you couldn't even hold him off. It struck a nerve. You had been forced to train all your life. They implemented military type training on you and his words sounded exactly like the ones at home. Zoro had looked for you feeling like absolute shit. He wanted to apologize, but you had habit of running away instead of talking to him. He finally found you sighing as he forced himself into your dome. "If you don't want me near you gotta learn how to make these stronger." You shook your head, "I'll never push you away I just need a moment sometimes..." He sighed laying down. He pulled you on him letting you cry into his chest. "I'm sorry...I just got worried and angry at myself. I'd kill myself if I hurt you. Your not weak your one of the strongest people I know." You shook your head. "No I'm not Zoro...You were right I am weak. Look I can't even talk to you instead I run away. It's what I always do.." "So don't run anymore." He began running his finger through your hair soothing you. "You don't gotta run from me. I promise you that. If you do I'll continue to chase you no matter what..Y/N whatever your running from, don't be afraid. I will always be there. I won't let anything harm you. Your my..friend." "I'm sorry I ran away." "I'm sorry I made you upset. Get some sleep. I wanna continue training with my strong girl tomorrow." You nodded feeling sleepy. "Zoro if there ever comes a time your not there and I'm alone you promise we'll find each other?" Zoro scoffed. "Of course we will even if it takes years I will always find you. Just do what you feel is right in the meantime." You laughed falling asleep.


That dream wasn't for nothing. The thing that felt right for you at the moment is being their for these kids. You looked up seeing the young boy Yashiro cover the girl Kotoro with a blanket as she shivered next to him. "You don't sleep.." He shook his head. "This Island is riddled with monsters. Someone needs to keep watch." You yawned stretching. "Alright then you sleep kiddo." He shook his head, "I don't trust you- HEY!" You covered his mouth shushing him as you pulled him down to your lap starting to gently run your hands through his hair. "This gets my grump to sleep..I get it you don't trust me or like me, but I haven't hurt you at all since I've been here and I'm not going too anytime soon. I'll keep watch Yashiro. Your safe with me. I won't let the monster here hurt you or the other kids. It was very brave of you to step up and take care of them. By no means am I trying to take the parenting role, but while I'm here I'd like to the way my name is Y/N I just realized I haven't introduced myself yet-" You stopped noticing he fell asleep in your lap. "Just like Zoro...." Your eyes grew teary slightly thinking back on everyone. "They'll understand...I know what its like to feel alone and I don't want you kids thinking you are alone and feeling like the whole world is against you. It's not I promise you, just because some stupid towns people didn't want you. Somewhere out there is someone who will love you..I don't know you much but I know I already adore you." You looked up hearing a small sniffle seeing Kotoro teary eyed. "Thank you..." She whispered out sitting next to you falling asleep on your other leg next to Yashiro who took the other. You smiled letting them sleep keeping a lookout. Feeling it begin to rain, you quickly made a huge water umbrella to cover all the children. The crew would understand why you were so late.

AUTHORS'S NOTE: Not gonna lie I kinda teared up making this chapter. Anyways I'm very grateful for all the support I've been getting and I just want to say thanks and want an honest opinion. This next next chapter is gonna be blast from the past part 2, but would you guys like to hear more about the readers past or about one of the reader's and Zoro's adventures from before joining the straw hats?

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