Zoro's and Your Memories

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Zoro couldn't help but pace in the crow's nest. He knew this guy was bad. He had to help you heal. You had so much trauma too much for a child of 9. There was a time when you were younger. Zoro had never seen you so broken.


You had walked aimlessly to your guys meeting. "Oi you passed me like ten minutes ago!" You flinched feeling Zoro grab your shoulder. "Sorry..." His eyes widened seeing the black eye and slash on your collarbone. "Shit! Y/N what happened?!" He ran his thumb across your face. "What happened?!" He stopped seeing you flinch. "Sorry I got a little shaken up I fell.." "The hell you did! You know I don't believe that bull shit-" He gasped seeing your eyes dull. The little light that had usually been in it had been taken away. "Oi Y/N you look dead?!" You fell on him wrapping your arms around his waist. "Zoro I know you don't like physical contact but please hold me..." Your small voice quivered. Zoro felt your pain and he didn't like it one bit. He slowly wrapped his arms around you. For the very first time since Kunai died, Zoro teared up while he held you. He didn't let you up so you wouldn't see his face. Also because seeing your dull eyes would hurt him..Shortly after that you had your last breakdown, and you didn't return home.


You winced feeling your body be lifted up by B/FN. "It's okay I'm gonna patch you up..it's okay.." You grabbed her hand staring at her with a blank look. "Leave and let me die here...he can't do his plan if I'm already dead. Please kill me and leave.." She shook her head quickly pulling out the cleaner. "Your gonna need stitches and water your too weak.." You nodded looking down. She cried seeing your eyes dull almost dead. "C'mon Y/N give me a response...talk to me about your swordsmen the one you called your idiot.." You shook your head. "If I bring him up I'll be marked instantly by Malice. He told me that when he cut my arm..." "He just doesn't want to see any hope in your eyes so c'mon give me a reaction." She shook seeing you not wince as she poured the rubbing alcohol on you. "He almost killed you..Y/N can you feel my hand on your back?" You shook your head. "I just feel wet.." "Oh no...please you have to live let's get you cleaned. If only Law was here he's a great doctor way better than me.." "Our doctor is a cute reindeer...He's young but ambitious..I know he'll complete his goal.." She nodded, "Tell me more about him stay awake and tell me about him." "His name is Chop-Chopperr..." "Don't slur your words stay awake and speak to me dammit." B/FN began to shake you intensely when you didn't respond As you laid on the floor, you thought back to the day Zoro and you left.


"So we're finally of age!" Zoro laughed patting your head. You nodded giving him a tight hug. Your stomach growling interrupted your hug. "Why haven't you eaten today?" You nervously rubbed your head. "I kinda forgot.." He glared dragging you around. "I just forget Zoro it's not my fault I grew up with not that much food around-" "You never have to worry about that anymore with me. I've told you that a lot of times damn it!" You nervously looked away as he dragged you. "I'm sorry-" "No I am I obviously haven't proven it enough. Y/N you never have to worry about these things cause you'll always be with me. Even when we are separated, don't be scared. We'll always find each other." You smiled softly seeing him turn red and reaching into a bag. "Here it's tuna rice balls.." You nodded eating it happily. It was then you realized home wasn't a place it was a person. Zoro was your home.


B/FN had patched you up as best as she could. Gently laying you into a salt water bath, you screamed from pain. She gently shushed you scared Malice would come back. "You need to heal. " "Stop trying to heal me..I lost my home...I deserve to go...please stop..just let me go. Malice won't win if I'm dead-" "DON'T SAY THAT!" B/FN yelled out hitting you. "Sorry just please hold on I feel it help is on the way." "I can't let anyone in again..I'm done I'm sorry, but I'm done. Malice will tear them apart and I can't watch my home be torn apart again.."


"Oi Nami are we starting to get close?" Zoro had decided to sit on deck instead of pacing in the crow's nest any longer. "Yes maybe another couple hours.." Zoro nodded. "With that said though, everyone gather around!!! We need to make the plan of what exactly we're gonna do!" Everyone approached to discuss the plan. "This is on all hands on deck situation. This enemy is dangerous and has our friend. So we need to discuss how we're getting in and who's looking for what." Luffy nodded. "I'm gonna beat that Malice's guys ass!" "Alright that settles Luffy. The rest of us we'll be splitting into teams to search for Y/N and Law's chef. Whoever we come across, no matter what save them and come back to the ship. Kin'emon and Momonosuke we'll leave you two with the ship." Nami gave everyone their plans. "Sanji you'll be with Zoro, Brook your with Robin, Chopper, Law, and Franky, Usopp we'll be with Sanji and Zoro. Everyone got the plan?" They nodded. "At any moment, if we separate the plan stays the same look for Y/N and Law's chef B/FN." "Right!" Law nodded in agreement. He knew usually he would take the lead, but he knew he had to work with everyone her and they all seemed to follow Nami's orders. "Everyone grab den den mushi's the second we save them we all meet up." Luffy nodded. "Guys Y/N needs our helps so does Law's chef. We need to save them." "Yes Captain!" Zoro walked off staring into the distance remembering the conversation you had both shared at Cocoyashi Village before Nami had asked all of you for help.


"It's best we just leave it alone for now. There's nothing we can do until she asks for help." You nodded as you ran your fingers through his hair. "But what if there's something stopping her from asking? I know I was scared to ask for help but then again I had nothing to lose so leaving for me me was easy." Zoro stared at you as you continued to ponder. He stopped your hands from caressing his hair and held it. "Your story is different from Nami's she actually has people to ask for help and if the time ever comes and you need help then this time , you'll have us this time." You smiled at his reassuring words. "Thank you Zoro..." You radiated happiness from his words.


Zoro was going to keep his promise. "Guys get ready we're approaching in twenty minutes!!" Nami yelled out. They all nodded. It was time to save you.

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