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Eden threw you into the room. "Clothing now." After she stalked off you sighed, "Please Zoro get the hint..I wanna go home." You smiled in the bath. You threw on the clothing they provided a long white dress. "I need to run.." You tore the side for a slit. "Extra room to fight." You grunted bandaging your arms and self up.


"HOW DO WE GET OUT!!!!!!" Luffy yelled out in the dome. "Why would she not let us out?" Nami questioned. "To protect us. Why else?" Robin muttered holding her neck in confusion. What exactly had Malice done to her? Zoro had been pondering on your last words to him. Luffy growled trying to get out again. "She wants us to save her but how!?" Luffy threw himself on the floor. Brook sighed trying to astral project but couldn't leave the dome. "If I set off an explosion it might back fire on us." Franky and Usopp groaned. "Zoro-ya? Why would she say that to you?" Zoro shrugged at Law. "Beats me. I don't understand how she wants us to help but not get out of this.  Nami hummed before seeing something on the dome. "Zoro I think she gave you the answer. She'll always let you in, which means that she'll always let you out. And on top of that, I've been inside of Y/N's domes like this. This one is covered in something a certain blue glow. I think the only one who can break this is Zoro." Everyone looked at him. Zoro looked at the dome then down at his swords. "I will always be let in huh?" Zoro smirked, "Alright then let's give it a try. Everyone step back and duck." Everyone nodded huddling up. "Don't worry Zoro-san I shall block it off from our end." Brook laughed raising his sword. Zoro nodded pulling his swords out, "Three Style Sword Technique...Three Thousand Worlds!" Zoro looked back seeing the dome fall easily. "Unbreakable huh?" Luffy smiled widely. "Alright!! Where is that Malice guy!!? He hurt our friend!!!" Luffy ran off looking for him. Nami and Usopp sweat dropped. "Alright everyone plan stills stays the same. Look for Y/N in our assigned groups-" "Nami!!" Usopp and Chopper screamed out looking at their arms seeing a blue water lock on them. "Why would she put this on us?" Nami questioned looking down at it. She shook it off before telling everyone to spilt up.


After bandaging yourself up, you opened the window. "I can't be marked. I hope they figured it out by now. Water Whip." You tied the whip to the hook above the window. "I guess I'm climbing down." You looked down gasping before looking back up. "So high...It's just a height just don't look down." Heights weren't your strong suit. You tied the whip tightly around your waist taking shaky steps on the ledge. "Your still scared of heights huh?" You gasped seeing Makoto walking towards the window ledge. "Y/N don't be dumb come over here-" "No." You glared at him, "If I don't want to work with Malice I definitely don't want to work with you." Maktoto glared heading towards you, "Y/N don't make this harder than it has to be. Think about it I'll keep your friends safe and you safe we'll take down Malice and then we can take over-" "You don't intend to keep my friends in the picture! Luffy is going to be Pirate King! Not you or Malice and I refuse to be either of your puppets!! My friends and I are leaving this place after Luffy kicks Malice's ass and we'll kick your's too!" Makoto pulled his sword out jumping for you. Not wasting any time, you jumped out of the window. "AHHH!!" You screamed falling. "Y/N-swan!!!~~~~" You smiled hearing Sanji. He kicked his way up to you. "SANJI!!" You smiled relieved to see him. Nami and Usopp smiled seeing you. Zoro's smiled dropped seeing you get pulled back. "AH!" Makoto grabbed the whip. "Shit shit shit shit!!!" You yelled out looking down. "Which one of you is Roronoa Zoro!?" Makoto yelled out pulling you up. "Me what do you want?" Zoro yelled back at him. "You took the person I love! The person who was supposed to be my bonded." Zoro raised his eyebrows looking at you. "Y/N what is he talking about-" You cut your water whip screaming as you fell. Sanji caught you landing gently on the floor. You stood up shakily, "Screw you bastard!!!" You looked at Zoro. "He's an old ally and a traitor! He wants to use me to take over everything. And he wants me." Zoro nodded in understanding before smirking. "So your angry cause she doesn't like you back..hmm?" Makoto glared as Zoro wrapped his arm around your waist. "Get use to disappointment." Makoto stormed off angrily. After he left, you turned feeling Zoro tighten his arm around your waist. "Zoro...about what happened I'm-" "You don't gotta apologize. You did that earlier it's in the past and I know why you did what you did." You shook your head, "Doesn't matter honestly Y/N." He bumped his head on yours. "I'm just happy your back." You smiled but couldn't help feeling guilty. You knew he didn't want to admit what you had said got to him. He's never clingy like this unless he was hurt. Zoro pulled back. "Alright let's get outta here!" Nami called out, "Here I'll call everyone else-" "Nami no I can't leave." Her eyes widened, "What do you mean no?!" "We need to stop the ceremony. Malice is going to bring something back into this world and he needs me to do it, but if we don't stop the ceremony then this entire place can explode with all of us in it. And we don't know how long its gonna take Luffy to defeat Malice." Nami sighed pinching her nose. "Please!" You bent down begging. "I need help!" "Well then what are we waiting for. Lead the way." You looked up grateful. "Everyone thank-" You were cut off feeling a string wrap around your waist. "Guys-" Exodus pulled you back harshly. "There you are." You grunted feeling him wrap his arm around your neck. "Malice is angry Y/N you don't want to make him more mad." Zoro drew his sword. "You don't wanna do that buddy. You come near I kill her." "You won't-" "I will we don't need you alive just marked." You scowled, "Your disgusting!" He grabbed your throat harshly. "You guys want her come and get her! Men come out!" Exodus began leading you away. His guards came out with their weapons raised high. "Water-" "You even think about it I slice your throat!" You grunted trying to break free. "You've never been this defiant Y/N." You shook in his hold being thrown into a room. "YOU RUINED YOUR DRESS!!" You looked up seeing Malice walk in. "Damn it Y/N you know what I had planned and your dressed so grossly. This is already hard for me to touch a monster. EDEN!!!!" She rushed in sighing seeing you. Before she could approach you, Makoto jumped in front of you. "I'm taking Y/N out of here!" You stood up behind him in slight shock. "I'm gonna be the one t take over the sea!" Malice shook angrily. You looked behind you seeing the door open. Not wanting to waste time you ran out. "Y/N GET BACK HERE! EDEN GET HER!!" You panted running out hearing Eden's footsteps. "HELP!!!" You yelled out weakly. Your magic was weak. You needed to save energy. "ANYONE PLEASE!!" You fell getting back up quickly. "Y/N why are you trying so hard?" She reached out for you. You flinched terrified, but before she could touch you. An arm appeared on her neck. "Step away from my friend." Robin smiled behind you. "I was separated from my group which ended well seeming I found you." You smiled standing up next to Robin. "I need to get to the first ceremony room. Can you spread it to everyone else? There are three rooms in each room there is a portal opener. Destroy them." Robin nodded. "I'll let them know get going Y/N." "Eden is dangerous-" "Robin won't be alone." Nami spoke up walking behind you. You nodded heading out. Making it to the room you looked seeing the portal. "I need to destroy it.." "I'll help." You smiled seeing Zoro behind you. "Thank you..." He smiled moving next to you "No problem." You tensed realizing you needed to talk to Zoro. "We have a lot to discuss, but first things first. Zoro I need you to mark me!" His eyes widened at your words. "Y/N are you sure? I don't even know how it works. " You nodded knowing, "I know and it's traditionally a long process, but I just need the mark for now. If you change your mind after it'll disappear, but at first your going to feel an intense need of protection. Zoro I just need the mark now, but if your not comfortable...I'll ask Sanji. I want you to be my bonded, but I know I hurt you-" "What do I do to mark you?" Zoro grabbed you pulling you close, "There is not a chance in hell Sanji will ever touch you in any way shape or form, so never suggest that again. What do I need to do?" "Are you sure? Remember it's gonna feel weird at first." "I'm sure Y/N. This doesn't change anything between us and this whole thing for it we'll do later-" "I mean if you change your mind this mark will disappear and then we can pretend it never happened-" "I'm not gonna change my mind. If this brings me close to you and protects you. I'll do it." You nervously shook. "Are you extremel-" "Tell me what I need to do." You nodded turning slightly red in the cheeks. "Well bite me." "You don't have to be a jerk-" "No I mean bite me. My neck. I accept you with me. So bite me." "What are we vampires?" "Again I can ask Sanji and it'll disappear later-" Zoro cut you off pulling you close. "Alright then I'm going in." He moved your head back exposing the place where your neck met your collarbone.

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