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Resting on deck with Zoro in your lap, you couldn't stop your chuckle as you heard Sanji yelling at Luffy for going into the fridge. "I don't know what happened to the food.." Sanji glared as Luffy looked away nervously sweating. "Your telling me you don't know what happened to do food I had specifically separated to last us till we got to Alabasta?" He grew an angry tick on his head as Luffy shook his head. "Oh what's that around your mouth?' Luffy gasped covering his mouth. "Food crumbs!! Don't look." Sanji growled kicking Luffy sending him flying across the ship. "You idiot it was you!!" You broke into full laughter as Luffy sat up pouting. "Nami-swan see the mouse trap doesn't work anymore. Will you please get a lock for the fridge?" Nami sighed as Sanji swooned. You looked over noticing Karoo,Chopper and Usopp had food in there mouth. "I guess I can seeing this can turn into life or death." Sanji noticed her and you looking their way. "Okay guys let's get some fish for Sanji." Usopp told Chopper and Karoo. They nervously sweat as Sanji approached them smiling. "Are you guys having an luck?" They flinched as they shook their heads no. Sanji grabbed Karoos and Usopp's head smashing all three of them together. You sighed before tapping Zoro's head so he can get off. Taking off your t-shirt and skirt you climbed the ledge of the boat. "Y/N-swan!! You look so lovely!! But wait what are you doing?" Zoro sat up, "Oi Y/N!" You jumped into the water. Taking a deep breathe, you closed your eyes readying yourself. "There!" A wave of fish had been a good mile away. "Water net." A net formed around you as you readied your next attack. "Water current!" You made a current successfully calling the fish to head towards you. "Yes! I still got it!" You quickly made work wrapping the net above the fish and throwing it overboard. "Y/N!!!" Everyone looked shocked seeing the fish in a huge water net on deck as you climbed back on. "Sanji that's as much fish I could find near us will that be enough for now?" Sanji swooned falling to his knees. "Y/N-swan! This will be more than enough from you. You have my heart. How ever can I thank you?" Sanji grabbed your hand as you nervously laughed. "You don't have to thank me I'm gonna go get changed now but before I do Luffy, Usopp, I got enough food to only last us a bit especially with how much we all eat. You guys get the rest okay and apologize to Sanji for eating the food." They nodded thankful you had helped them. Going into the small closet you pulled out a pair of jean shorts and grabbed one of Zoro's shirt. You sighed drying your hair before feeling a presence behind you. "Oh hi Chopper." He scrambled before walking in. "Hi um Y/N can I ask you something?" You nodded bending down to him. "Do your scars hurt? If they do I can make you a cream to help get rid of them." Your eyes went dark. All the memories hit you at once, you didn't feel angry you just felt sad. "Sorry I didn't want to upset you. I just wanted to help I don't want them to hurt you-" "It's okay Chopper." You interrupted him. "And don't worry they don't hurt me I've had them for a while now. I don't mind anyone looking at them either." He nodded smiling. "I just wanted to make sure they didn't hurt some of them look painful." You sat down twiddling your fingers nervously. "Yea that's probably because super glue was used to patch it up.." "SUPER GLUE!!" Chopper yelled out in shock as you laughed. "Yea but it's okay honest it was a long time ago." You quickly reassured him. "You go on ahead I'll be out there right now okay. Thank you for the concern." He nodded running back outside. You sighed before pulling up Zoro's shirt and looking at the mirror seeing your scars. "Are they that bad?" You knew Chopper only meant it from concern. They didn't hurt but are they ugly..Does Zoro find them bad looking? Is that why he always turns around when you change? No that's ridiculous. He doesn't care for women's looks. Plus it's not like he sees you in that way and Sanji still fawns over you so you have to be some type of pretty right? You shook your head slipping your sandals on and going back on deck. "What are you doing to Karoo?!" Vivi screamed out. Luffy and Usopp had been using him as bait to fish. You moved back to Zoro ignoring them. "Hey, Oi is that my shirt?" You laughed nodding as you sat down next to him. "Zoro do you think-" You were interrupted by Vivi calling Nami. "Oh there's steam up ahead.." You gasped and began coughing. "It smells like sulfur I'm gonna go inside with Sanji." Zoro nodded coughing himself. Heading inside, you helped Sanji prepare some smoothies for everyone. "You don't have to help Y/N-swan.." "I know but the smell of sulfur was too much for me. Plus I can help you store the fish I caught." He smiled as you delicately placed an orange slice on the rim of the cup. "Hey Sanji.." He hummed washing dishes as you cut fruit. "Do you think I'm..well am I pretty?" He almost dropped the dish from surprise. Sanji turned the water off to give you his full attention, "Y/N-swan you've never had these doubts before can I ask what brought this on?" You sighed feeling rejected. He didn't answer the question. "Y/N-swan I'm asking cause I'm worried. You are beautiful. Don't ever doubt your beauty." You sadly smiled putting the knife down. "It's just you guys have seen my scars now..The only person who's ever seen them before was Zoro and I don't know I know it's dumb. I've never thought anything of them before but now-" "Y/N-swan scars do not define you. Your beauty is radiant. Anyone can see that, trust me. I respect all women, but it's only the pretty ones I fawn over." You smiled at his words. "Thanks Sanji.." He nodded before handing you a smoothie. "Now drink up. A pretty girl like you needs a balanced drink. I'll handle the rest why don't you go sit with Nami and Vivi-chan." Grabbing your drink you thanked Sanji and walked out only to see Vivi freaking out. "That was Mr.2!!!!" Your eyes grew wide. "Zoro what's going on?" He sighed before explaining how a member of Baroque Works had came on the ship for a good while and his devil fruit allows him to impersonate people. He had gotten everyone's faces but yours and Sanji's. "What are we gonna do now?!" Usopp screamed as you bit your thumb nervously. "We need to be ahead of the enemy." Zoro explained the plan. You all had tied the towel on your wrist. "Okay we're ready." Zoro pulled you to sit with him as everyone went back to their usual business. "Hey so I know your usually the one on my lap, but...." He hummed as you rubbed his head. "Do you mind if I lay on your lap instead?" Without hesitation, he sat up and moved into a sitting position. "Are you sure its okay-" "Lay on my lap." You sighed smiling. "Thank you Zoro.." You felt the doubt you felt instantly wash away. He always knew how to make you feel safe. You didn't know it yet though, but a certain Navy Captain was also heading to Alabasta with hopes of capturing the straw hat pirates and seeing the stranger who made him feel weak from just a smile. He was the first Navy officer you had ever trusted and the only one to not hurt you. Captain Smoker was waiting ahead hoping to speak to you. For now though, your head on Zoro's lap as you slept brought you the comfort you needed.


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