Sending them Home

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After that night with Robin, you made sure to take a long nap with Zoro the next morning. Once afternoon came along, oddly enough the day had been kinda peaceful, currently everyone had been relaxing or sleeping. You decided now was the best time to put the shells back were they belong. Walking over to the rail, you sighed pulling the bag out. "You all didn't deserve to be with that wretched pathetic man.."You slowly one by one began to throw the shells into the ocean, making sure to count every single one and read their messages. There was a total of thirty-two. Griffith deserved to die..Once you made it to your mothers, you began growing slightly teary-eyed as you read her shell. 'Love you madly,' your mother would whisper to you every night as she tucked you in. It was the last thing you yelled to her before you were ripped away. She always said madly instead too. It was due to the fact you believed, saying too was implying there was a number of people she loved and too meant you were number two. You hadn't known she was dead.The second Griffith showed you her shell though you knew, her shell meant everything to her the only way to get it was from her body. Part of you had hoped,she was still somewhere out there alive...Since Alabasta, you hadn't gotten a chance to really process the fact that she was no longer around and you would never meet her or see her again. You didn't have much memory of her, but the ones you held would always be dear to you. Sighing, you gently dropped her shell into the water watching it float away. After dropping it, you quickly ran into the storage closet for a moment alone. Curling into yourself, you finally did what you needed to do, cry. You sobbed clutching your chest as all your memories came flooding back to you. Your mother's humming as she folded the laundry, how she would make you her famous soup when you were upset or sick. You didn't get to spend a lot of time with her, but she would always be the person you'd want to hear the most from. After spending a good twenty minutes crying, you finally wiped your eyes stood up and walked out. You needed a nap. Heading below deck, you stopped rubbing your eyes once again and lost your footing."Shit!!" Sanji had dropped everything and ran off hearing the crash. Luffy and Nami right behind them. "Oh Y/N!!" You sat up rubbing your head as it throbbed. "Sorry..I just had a small fall." Zoro barged in, eyes widening once he saw you at the bottom of the stair. "Why are you all just staring at her?! Get Chopper!" He ran down the steps gently picking you up. "Go now!!!" Luffy nodded as Sanji ran ahead. "Your bleeding." You had scraped your knees. It had been a nasty fall. "I'm okay really-" "No your not!" He barked out as Chopper padded down the stairs. "Zoro calm down." You whispered yelled as he had held you while Chopper looked you over. "She's okay her knees are just cut, but no head or other injury. Y/N is okay." Chopper was trying to calm Zoro as he patched up your knees. He sighed in relief before looking away as you glared at him. "How'd you fall?" Robin walked in kneeling next to Chopper as everyone else walked out. Chopper jumped back as she moved next to him to inspect the scrape. "I just lost my footing-" "You need to be more aware of your surroundings especially on the stairs." Zoro interrupted glaring at you. "Okay you know what, Chopper Thank you for patching my knees up, but I'd like a moment alone please." Robin nodded with Chopper walking out. "That includes you Zoro get out." He shook his head. "Get out!" You pushed him away from you as you stood up. "Y/N you shouldn't walk-" "Out Zoro! I just want to be alone right now and I don't need you being angry at me for an accident. I just wanted to take a nap alone! Now out!" He scowled before walking out.


Once dinner time hit, everyone was officially worried. You hadn't gotten up to eat or even use the bathroom. "Was she acting weird today?" Nami asked as they all ate."A little I saw her go into the storage closet for a good while." Usopp mumbled out mouth full. Luffy nodded, "I thought she was playing hide and seek, so I tried to enter. The door was lock though." Robin hummed in thought, "I did see her earlier by the railings of the boat. She looked upset." Sanji sighed lighting his cigarette. "Y/N-swan seemed slightly off after we got back from Alabasta." After Luffy ate, he stood up with a plate of food heading below deck to see you. "Y/N!!!" You jumped up in surprise as he screamed. "Shishishi~ I may have taken a bite or two but I brought you a plate," You sighed before sitting up. "You could have it Luffy. I'm not really hungry." He hmphed before laughing and ripping the cover off of you. "C'mon Y/N!!! I wanted to hang with you!!" You glared as he began jumping on the bed. "Please!!!" "Luffy no-" "Please!" "I said no!!" You yelled out exasperated. Yanking the cover back from Luffy, you turned around curling into yourself as he stared. "I just need a minute alone..I'm sorry.." You teared up as he still stood there. "Please I don't want anyone to see me cry Luffy..." He carefully pulled the cover off of you. "Get up Y/N." You shook your head, "Captain's orders." You groaned as you stood up from the bed looking down. "It's okay to be sad, we're your friends Y/N. We're here for you when you need us. Shishishi your our nakama!" He put his straw hat on you pulling you into a hug as you quietly wept. "I'm sorry.." "It's okay now no more crying!! Come eat with us! Sanji made soup." Taking back his straw hat, he ran up the stairs dragging you along. "Y/N is here to eat!!" Everyone smiled as you sat down. Sanji served you a bowl of soup as you lightly chatted with Nami. "Thank you-" It was your mother's soup.."Is everything okay Y/N-swan?" You smiled sadly before picking up your spoon. "Yes, Thank you Sanji-kun..." It tasted just like hers. Your mom would make this on rainy,sad days or if you were ill. Sanji nailed the flavors as you savored each bite. "Y/N are you okay?" Chopper asked concerned as you smiled nodding happily. "Your crying." You touched your cheek not even noticing the tears falling from your eyes. "Oh I am..I'm fine Chopper the soup is just really good." You may not have your mom anymore, but her soup will always live on and you have amazing friends. Your mom would have been happy for you. Zoro eyed you concerned as you ate three whole bowls. After eating you stood up pulling Sanji into a hug, "Thank you Sanji-kun!" He jumped back startled but nonetheless returned the hug. You ran out on deck as everyone chatted away, "Oi," Zoro was calling you patting the spot next to him. You nodded heading towards him taking a seat. "Hey about earlier sorry, I just got nervous seeing you fall down the stairs. It brought back some memories for me.." He explained as you nodded. "No its fine, I remember you explained it to me. I shouldn't have pushed you away. I just wasn't myself today." Zoro sighed patting your head. "I'll be here when you wanna talk." You pulled him to lay on your lap as you ran your fingers through his head. "Yeah thanks..I'll be okay though." Zoro sighed as you both finally relaxed after a long day.

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