Arlong Park

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Sitting down waiting for this Arlong person to show up and hopefully Nami, you grew bored messing with the water and stared at Zoro. You sighed seeing he wasn't giving in and decided to sigh louder. It went on until you began groaning, Zoro was getting irritated by the second. "What?" Zoro shouted a vein popping on his forehead. "I'm bored!" He narrowed his eyes at you and shrugged, "What do you want me to do about it?" You glared with a small fire in your eyes. "I think instead of waiting here we should look for Nami," He sighed hearing your words. "Trust me we'll have better luck finding her waiting here than searching. " You groaned at his words. "Fine..Ohh Zoro get over here!" He looked at you suspiciously. "Why?" he questioned hesitant to head over. "I need to check your wound dummy. I'm not gonna do anything even though I'm bored." You smiled at him appreciatively as he stood up. "My cut is fine but if you want to take a look at it I won't stop you." Unbuttoning his shirt, you looked over the jagged cut that you had messily sewn together. "I don't think I did a bad job at the stitching of it but it is gonna scar." He stared at you as you slowly drifted your fingers across it. "It doesn't matter to me if it scars. It'll be a reminder for me to get stronger." You smiled softly at his words. "Probably wouldn't scar that bad if I was better at sewing." He smirked at your words. Buttoning his shirt back up, you pulled him down to lay in your lap and glided your fingers in his hair. "I guess waiting here won't be too bad." You closed your eyes feeling his soft locks of hair.


Luffy was almost there and had gotten Sanji to join. "I'm only joining cause of the beautiful flowers on your ship." Sani told him as he served him food. "I don't have flowers but if you continue making food this good I'll make a garden. Shishsihishi." Luffy laughed while stuffing his face. "I can't wait for Nami-swan and Y/N-swan to try my delicious food again." Sanji swooned thinking of the compliments he'll get from you two.


Arlong had shown up and had them tie up Zoro. He had them lock you away separately he had witnessed your powers and thought you'd be a perfect new recruit. "A sea witch would be a great accompany to my crew don't you think brethren?" The fish men around him nodded laughing and excited. Arlong laughed as they agreed with him and look down at Zoro. He grew irritated seeing Zoro scowl at him. "What's with you pathetic human?" Zoro smirked at him seeing him annoyed. "Y/N would never join a half mutant fish man like you." Arlong grew angry at Zoro's words. "Humans are such pathetic creatures. They'll do anything for money. It's part of the reason why I hate them. The little sea witch will agree.-" "She won't." Zoro interrupted him. "Trust me no amount of money will convince her to join you she's never given a crap about riches or money, and I'll say it again. We're only here looking for a girl." Arlong looked at Zoro angry he had insulted and disrespected him. "Arlong what did you need me for?" Zoro had looked at her in shock it was Nami. Nami stared at Zoro with a blank look on her face. "Oi Nami what the hell are you doing here?" Arlong looked at Nami questionably. "Do you know this man Nami?" Nami nodded, "He was just another victim." Zoro grew silent at her words, "So is this really your true self?" Zoro asked. Arlong laughed at Zoro's words. "Nami is the only human I except in my crew besides the new sea witch I captured but she'll learn to get along well with me though. Nami's had allegiance with me for years now she's nothing but a cold blooded witch who will do anything for money." Nami flinched at his statement. Zoro noticed Nami had flinched and smirked, "Really your with him? If you don't care about us then if we die it shouldn't bother you at all." Zoro told her with a grin. Nami looked at him with a glare. "I don't care about you or anyone like I said before you all fell victim-" Nami gasped cutting her sentence off as Zoro threw himself back into the water. She quickly jumped in after him saving him. Arlong and his crew grew quiet seeing Nami pull him out of the water. "So you really don't care huh?" Zoro whispered to her. She sat up angry and punched him. "Listen here I plan on killing this man myself later so you'll leave him alone. For now lock him up." Arlong nodded and ordered them to lock Zoro up in the same room with you. "Zoro?" You sat up in your restraints seeing them bring in a wet Zoro. You looked at him confused. "Why are you wet?-" "Sea witch." You looked up seeing one of the fish men. "Arlong wishes to speak with you soon." You glared at him. "Tell him I refuse." The guard glared at you "You don't have a choice I'll retrieve you soon." He stated storming off. "Zoro are you okay?" He sat up. "Yea I'm okay. Don't worry " He explained how Nami was part of Arlong's crew and what had happened. You sat silently after hearing the new information. "There's more to it isn't there?" Zoro nodded agreeing with you. You used your water skills to rust the chains they had put on you, "I'm gonna rust the metal by heating it up the second I'm free I'll do your restraints." He looked at the water you had surrounding the chains. "I didn't know you could control water temperature." You smirked at him. "There's a lot you don't know about my abilities."


Luffy and Sanji had arrived to Cocoyashi village. The village Arlong had taken over. Luffy began looking for Nami, Zoro, and you. He had already found Johnny and Yosaku. Meanwhile Zoro and you stood locked up, you had just rusted the chains and easily broke them when Nami walked in. "Nami? what are you doing here-" She cut you off by throwing the keys to Zoro's chains. "You both need to leave especially you Y/N." You grabbed the keys and unlocked Zoro. "Why are you with someone like him?" You asked her as you helped Zoro up. She threw him his sword. "Don't worry about that. It's my choice okay now get going and leave" She walked off slamming the door before you could ask her more questions. You sighed seeing Zoro unsheathed his sword. "You angry?" He asked. "Yes." you said while clenching your fist. "Good use that anger let's take those fish bastards down." He growled out walking with you. You helped him take down all of Arlong's men that were there. Zoro sat down in the seat after you took down the last one and yawned. "No not again. We are not staying here. Get up you lazy bum." Zoro peeked one eye open and stared at you as you grabbed his arm trying to force him up. "Luffy will find us here plus when Arlong hears we escaped he's gonna have people look for us especially since he seems to want you." You glared at him. Before you could speak you heard someone shout, "Oh man I fell asleep. Oh who are you guys?" It was an octopus man. He was well to put it nicely an idiot. His name was Hatchan. Hatchan had assumed Zoro and you were marines and gave you both a ride to Cocoyashi village. "Thank you!!" You yelled as he took off. "Now can we look for Luffy?" Zoro sighed at your words. "Fine.." He grunted out. You smirked and grabbed his hand. "C'mon follow me big guy I don't need you getting us lost." He groaned as you lead the way.


Zoro and you finally met up with Sanji and Luffy. "Y/N-swan your just as beautiful as ever." Sanji swooned grabbing your hands. Zoro shook his head at his antics and pulled you away from Sanji. "Y/N did you guys find Nami and where 's Usopp?" Luffy asked. Before you could explain, Johnny and Yoskau appeared explaining how they saw Nami kill Usopp. "We saw her you have to believe us!" They both yelled as you shook your head. "No I don't believe you she wouldn't do that!" Luffy yelled back at them. You sat there pondering what could possibly possess Nami from doing such a thing, if she did of course. You want to believe she didn't but she was acting rigid and cold towards all of you, but she saved Zoro. It would make no sense to save Zoro and kill Usopp. As they all argued amongst each other, Nami approached you guys with her head down. The arguing stopped as she stood in front of you. All that could be heard was the wind in the trees. "Nami what are you doing? Your our navigator-" "I'm not remember I just agreed to go with you for the treasure." Nami interrupted Luffy. "Take your boat and leave this Island I'm done with all of you." Nami began walking away. "No." she stopped hearing Luffy's words. "We're gonna stay your our navigator and we're not leaving without you. Nami clenched her fist at Luffy's words. "Just go!" She screamed. Luffy shook his head no. Nami frustrated stormed off. You sighed seeing her walk away. "We didn't get to ask her about Usopp-" "Ask her what about me?" You screamed seeing Usopp behind you. "Usopp.. Your okay?!" All of you yelled out. Johnny and Yosaku looked in shock seeing him alive. Usopp explained how Nami made it look like she killed him. You sighed hearing his story. Something definitely was going on, Nami was not being herself.

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