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After swimming a good distance, you stopped wiping our tears gathering yourself. "EXODUS YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED COME OUT OF HIDING YOU COWARD!!! I'M READY I CUT ALL TIES TAKE ME HOME!!!" You screeched out angrily. "So you've come to your senses." He appeared behind you. "Yes I have...take me home. I have not been marked." You pulled your sweater to show your collarbone. "See! I'm not marked so have at me! Just let her go!!" Exodus glared smacking you down. "You do not speak to me that way! Insolent girl! You've forgotten your manners." You grunted getting back up. You threw a water ball at his face. "Screw you...Screw all of you!! I remember everything!! I'm different than before now! You want my cooperation!!! Then you do as I ask!! Release' her!!! I have no problem doing anything else you all ask of me-" You yelped as Exodus used his string to tie you. "You just made a huge mistake. Malice is not going to be please. Remember your manners and apologize for picking those stupid people you call friends over us!" Exodus dragged you away. "Malice has grown as much as you have dumb girl. He's twice as strong as before. So has Eden. She will not accept this new attitude and will beat you if you dare show her this attitude! Do as I say and shut up! Unless you want her to-" "I'll listen just don't hurt her..." You weakly begged. "Just let her go she doesn't deserve this any of this. I am a monster...I know you all got rid of my race because we are monsters, but she's not...Don't you take pity on humans! She's human so please Exodus-" "Quiet!" He kneed your stomach. "I will consider what you have said but just shut up."


"Luffy how are we supposed to track her." Luffy groaned grabbing his head. "I know how we can." Law spoke up, "My chef and I had a tracking device on each other. I had to get rid of mine but I know she still has hers. I just haven't had the time to check on it..Luffy-ya we'll have to put our earlier plans on hold is that alright with you?" Luffy nodded without hesitation. "We don't leave friends behind to fight their battles alone." Law nodded reaching into his pocket to pull the revive card. "It's burning.." He scowled at the paper. Her fire was being burned out..."It's pointing North." Nami nodded beginning to have Franky turn the ship. Zoro had still been looking at the message on the back of the picture. He knew if they didn't reach you. Your so called destiny would be fulfilled. Zoro clenched the photo angrily. "We're saving Y/N and her friend no matter what." Luffy smiled seeing Zoro back to normal. "Yes we are!"


"Ow!" You groaned out being thrown into a luxurious looking room. "Get changed." You glared standing up to look around. The room was decorated with light and dark blues and gold trimmings. "Of course he's still over the top. This wasn't my room before though..." You sighed before seeing the dress laid out for you. "The hell..." It was a crop top with blue and silver trimming. The skirt was blue with sliver and gold trimming, it had a slit on the side of it. "I am not putting that on-" "You will if you know what's good for you." You turned seeing Eden at the door a tray in her hands. "What happened to my rags and the cage I was kept in?.." She sighed putting the tray down. "Malice wants you comfortable...he plans on marking you the day before the due date." You nodded cringing slightly. The process wouldn't work if you had been marked by someone else. He needed to mark you before sacrificing you, so he could control the dark god..You sighed seeing Eden poor you a cup of tea. "I'm not thirsty at the moment thank you for the offer." Eden smirked, "Exodus warned us about your manners I guess you knew better than to talk to me with attitude. I have no problems adding more scars on you." You clenched your fist. "I'll leave the tea if you change your mind. Get dressed before Malice comes in here himself." You looked down at the outfit one last time. "I guess I don't have a choice..."


Zoro had been thinking about the words you had said before you left. He made a promise once he found you. He was going to tell you how he felt. He had been in the crows nest preparing. Robin opened the hatch popping in. "Zoro? You mind if I sit with you?" He grunted motioning with his head. Brook had joined as well. "Zoro-san you look like you need a friend." Zoro glared as they both sat down across from him. "Marimo here!" Sanji popped in throwing him a bottle of Sake then leaving. He knew Zoro needed it. Nami had been making a plan. Franky had been helping navigate the boat with her. Zoro sighed feeling their stares on him, "Do you guys mind?" He took a swig of the sake. "Zoro did Y/N explain anything about this 'Malice' to you?" Zoro shook his head. "She didn't like too talk about him he scared her." Zoro scowled remembering about the panic attack you had when you were children. You had to be back by sundown. After that day, he didn't let you go home. "I took her away from her home when she was younger. I remember how bad the first two weeks were the night terrors. Her flinching every time I raised my arm. How she would run away every time I raised my voice in the slightest....it took Y/N a long time to trust me. I'm not gonna break my promise. She's getting her adventure." Brook and Robin smiled. They had thought he was hurt but that was not the case. Zoro wasn't hurt he was more determined than ever. Luffy had been above deck sitting on the head of the sunny. He smiled happy that they were going to rescue you.


Night time fell upon you. You sat on the bed waiting for them to come get you. Exhaustion filled your body while nerves tickled your spine. You chest felt tight as sweat dripped down your forehead. You trembled thinking of what was too come. "Everyone...I hope you forgive me for leaving you...Zoro I'm sorry I hurt you...Luffy I'm sorry I left without an explanation." You clenched your eyes shut not wanting to cry. Throwing yourself on the bed, you thought sleep was the best option for now.


You awakened under water. "Right I am home...wait this isn't home? This is....where mom would tell me to wait for my father." "Yea it is." You yelped looking behind you to see the same man you saw back before Sabaody Park smoking a cigarette. "You again?" He hummed nodding. "Yea me again kid. Here I'm not comfortable being under water follow me." He pointed at a stair case leading above water. You followed him in confusion. He grunted seeing your clothes. He snapped his fingers humming in content seeing your original clothing back on. "I hated that dress." You were on guard. He seemed angry. "Rosi!! Did you get her?" Rosinante sighed nodding. "Mom...." Lena smiled seeing you. "MOM!!!" You ran quickly enveloping her in a hug. Lena smiled teary eyed hugging you. "Welcome home..." You looked seeing a small cottage. A river nearby...It was adorned with flowers and a small black fence. "Isn't this-" "It is..where your father promised to take us. You and that boy he had saved, Law." You looked back seeing Rosinante smile. "Your my dad...that's why we spoke last time. You were bonded to my mother..." Rosinante smiled happily. "Yup..and you have grown so much daughter.." You smiled before walking towards him. "Y/N WAIT-" You kicked him in the shin making him fall. "That's for worrying my mom and keeping her waiting!" "It wasn't his fault!!" Lena yelled out helping Rosinante up. "He was killed before he could come get us." You looked at him as he sadly nodded. Rosinate flinched as you raised your arms. He jumped back in slight shock looking down to see you throw yourself into his arms. "I'm sorry that must've been painful for you.." He smiled returning the hug tightly. "It was...I left you in the hands of a monster. Your mother died cause I couldn't save her-" "But you saved Law." Rosinante looked at you, "You saved Law from another monster and that in itself is a good deed. You gave your life for Law's,so it's okay..and I ended up fine anyways." Lena looked at you sadly, "Your not fine though honey...You wouldn't be here if you were. Malice has you-" "But it's fine. I chose this. I made the decision to leave my friends and come home." You clenched your fist keeping a smile on your face. Lena opened her mouth to argue but Rosinante stopped her. "Y/N would you mind if we cut the reunion with your mom short? I never got the time with you she had." You tensely nodded slightly afraid. "Lena go inside the house." Lena smiled sadly giving you one last hug. "I don't want you joining us so soon sweetheart.." She whispered giving you a peck on the forehead. Rosinante walked you to the river, "Take a seat," He sighed wrapping his arm around you. "I had told your mom we shouldn't see you cause you need all your energy..she said you were strong enough..I told her you gave up too soon...she said that you did the right thing. You see Y/N your mother has been right about everything in your life. And she's right about now, it's not your time kid.." He lit his cigarette taking a glance down at you. You had been looking at the river. Your eyes hid fear. "Your okay here kid...it's okay to be scared, but please fight..don't give up so easily-" "I didn't want to give up.. I didn't want to leave my friends, but dad they're gonna kill her if I don't...I don't wanna die and I know it's selfish of me to say, but why do I have to die so his daughter could be saved!? I wanted to be with Luffy and everyone else. I wanted to be bonded with Zoro!" You screeched out. Rosinante grew tears in his eyes at your breakdown. "Why did Malice have to choose me?! Why couldn't I die with everyone else!? I could've been with you and mom!!" "Y/N calm down it'll be okay!" You gripped your head finally breaking down. "NO IT WON'T!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!"


You awakened in a gasp feeling your hands in a tight grip. "Wake up Y/N!!!" Law's chef..Your very first friend and ally before Zoro. She had been on top of you. "You idiot why would you come here?!" She yelled in your face with angry tears going down her face. "You don't deserve this ending! I do!! I helped him!! You saved me!!! Now you come back again for me!!! How stupid can you be-" You pulled her down into a tight hug. "You didn't deserve what had happened to you either....You deserved to be free more then me...I am the monster they claim me to be...so you leave..Just pass on a message for me..tell Zoro he's my idiot.." You sat up hugging her while she cried. "You shouldn't have came for me Y/N..you should've gone while you had the chance." You sighed shaking your head. "No It was the right thing for me to do.."

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