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You smiled in relief hearing someone come towards you. "Are you sure that person is safe?" You stopped in shock realizing it was right. "Is that someone you know? What if it's Malice?....When they find you, they're gonna get Zoro..." You stood up on your small child legs as you suddenly saw the scenery change. You were back in the woods that fateful night Zoro had chased you. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" You yelled out beginning to run again. "WAIT!!! Y/N!!" You ran forward as Luffy began to chase you through the dark woods. "I need to protect Zoro...I need to protect Zoro..." You mumbled out letting your legs carry you as you heard the person chasing you become closer. Luffy had been running in shock hearing you run away. "Y/N WAIT!!!! IT'S ME LUFFY!!!" You shook your head, "I DON'T KNOW A LUFFY!!!" Luffy skidded to a stop hearing your words. "I'M YOUR FRIEND!!!" "THE ONLY FRIEND I HAVE IS ZORO!!!" You stopped hiding behind a tree hearing the footsteps grow closer. "Please....I have to protect him I can't be caught...Please leave me alone." Luffy stopped seeing your small form behind the tree. He moved squatting down in front of you. "Y/N?" You looked up seeing Luffy smile. "Hi! Shishishi!!! Do you not recognize me?" You looked at him with teary eyes. "Do I know you?" Luffy nodded offering you his hand. "Cmon!" You looked around in shock seeing the rain stop. Hesitantly, you reached your hand out to grab his stopping for a moment to look at his face once more. His smile was so bright. It's like nothing you've ever seen before. It felt warm and kind. You grabbed his hand letting your tears stop. Luffy smiled hauling you on his shoulders as he began walking out of the woods. "Your always safe with us Y/N!" Luffy began to hum quietly as he walked out towards the beach. "See the rain stopped the sun should rise soon!" Luffy smiled as he put you down laying his straw hat on your head. "See there's nothing chasing you, so long as I'm here you won't be alone hiding." You bit your lip trying to contain your sobs. Luffy laughed seeing snot come out of your nose. Your rosy cheeks and red button nose looked at him with a relief smile. " you-" "I do all of our friends are probably waiting for us shishi.." Luffy laughed again as you looked down at your feet. "I never wanted anyone but him to see me like this-" "See you like what? A child?" Luffy titled his head in confusion. "No like this...broken and ashamed-" "Ashamed of what?" Luffy squatted down to you. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. To be honest this is dumb of you Y/N I'm your friend. You look the absolute same to me even if you are small. Your still Y/N. Our nakama." You smiled before reaching out for a hug. "No one will ever hurt you like before. I'll kill them if they try." Luffy smiled seeing you back to normal. "Oi!! Your not a kid anymore!!" He smiled happily as you laughed. "Thank you Captain..." Luffy nodded. "Yes now how do we get out and what exactly is going on?" You sighed before explaining what exactly had happened. "I'm assuming they thought you were the best person to send in here.." Luffy nodded. "So that thing is in both of our heads now?" You nodded, "Let's kick it's ass so you can heal and we can eat food together." You laughed nodding at him. "Let's kick ass Captain-." "REALLY?!!!?!" You both stopped looking up seeing a dark shadow loom over both of you. "AFTER ALL OF THAT AND THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE I PUT YOU BOTH THROUGH!! ALL IT TOOK WAS A STUPID FRIEND TO GET YOU BACK TO NORMAL!!!" The voice screamed out angrily. You smirked, "I told you I wasn't alone you can't be that surprised that they helped me out of that stupid slump you put me in. Now then, that's out of the way.." You raised your hands forming water sphere's. "I want you out of my head and I want you away from Luffy. WATER EXTRACTION!!!" You yelled out pulling it out. "NO!!! STOP!!" "This is my dumb imbecile I will not let you run around as you please!!" It began to scream as you pulled it towards you. "Luffy do me the honors and attack it." Luffy nodded stretching his arm back. The shadow fell to it's knees as it looked up seeing Luffy run towards it. "No....." "Goodbye go back to where you came from." "GOMU GOMU NO ROCKET!!!" It burned away as you dropped it watching it. Grabbing Luffy's hand, you turned towards him handing his hat back to him. "I'll handle it from here...Thank you Captain." Luffy nodded before looking down seeing himself disappear. "I'm sending you back to your head. When you wake up let's eat lots of meat." Luffy smiled before fully disappearing. You took a seat on the sand smiling seeing the ashes be taken away by the wind. The sun set quickly and along came the moon. The moon was your favorite. "The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?" You turned seeing Zoro sitting next to you. "It is...I'll wake up soon I promise." "You better you have me worried sick." You chuckled nodding. "I just wanna sit here for a bit longer Zoro.." He smiled pulling you in. "I'll stay right here until your ready to wake up."


Zoro sat waiting patiently as everyone else stared. "This is taking a while." B/FN nodded, "It's going too. I know your worried but give it some more time." Usopp groaned rubbing his head. "We can't even see what's going on in there-" Your gasp interrupted him. Usopp screamed slapping your head as you popped up. "OW!!" "Oi Usopp!!" Zoro yelled at him as you clutched your head. "WHY DID SHE RISE LIKE THAT?!" "I JUST WOKE UP!!" Usopp apologized as you sat up looking around seeing everyone around you. "Y/N..." You looked seeing B/FN stand up moving towards you. "Your okay.." She stopped before you not believing your words. "C'mere.." You gave her a tight hug rubbing her back. "You need to stop saving me." "You need to stop lecturing me." She pulled away letting Zoro near as you looked up with a smile. "The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?" Zoro smiled nodding. " is." He held your hand as Robin approached with a first aid kit. "Let me look at your head." She smiled as you laid back down going back to sleep. "Thank you Robin.."


A couple hours later you had fully waken up seeing everyone else had fallen asleep except for Robin. "Hey Robin." She waved back continuing to read her book. "I'ma take a walk outside real quick if you don't mind?" She nodded too in depth with her story. You chuckled lightly heading outside. Looking up at the sky, you let out a small sigh taking a seat down outside. "Hello there." You jumped making a dagger throwing it immediately towards the voice that had called out. "Sorry m'am didn't want to scare you there.." A blonde man with a scar walked out holding the dagger. " I know you?" "I'm Luffy's brother. Names Sabo." You nodded as he sat next to you. "I came by earlier to see him, but was told he was currently helping you." You nodded sheepishly. "Sorry you can go see him now-" "I will, I wanna talk to you and your friends." He smiled politely before offering you half of a sandwich. "Hungry?" You nodded quickly, "Starving! Thank you!" You grabbed it eagerly taking a big bite. "Oh it's good..." He laughed patting your back. "Your really cool. You did quite a bit of damage from what I saw. I've never met a sea witch before.." You smiled at him as he ate his sandwich as well. "Well is nice to meet you. I've heard about your work with the revolutionary army. Your doing great." Sabo smiled, "Not as great if we had you on our team, but I'm not here to poach you from my younger brother." He laughed as you chuckled. "I won't ever leave Luffy..He means so much to me.." Sabo smiled seeing you grow happy at the mention of Luffy. "I'm glad to see he's in good hands." After you both finished eating, you walked with him so he could talk to all of you.

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