Losing It

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Zoro felt that something was wrong, it felt like his entire body was on fire. For some reason his side throbbed in pain. Kinemon and him had found Luffy who was in the colosseum. He knew something was wrong with you. Since the night you both 'connected,' he's been able to almost feel your emotions. You had mentioned he would become like this. He didn't like it, he could feel your distress. Something was wrong with his bonded. He felt almost like an animal. A ruckus had gotten their attention. His eyes widened seeing Doflamingo drop Law, next to him Makoto dropped your body. Doflamingo laughed pulling out a gun shooting Law in the chest three times. Makoto smirked seeing Zoro holding your body up for him to see. Zoro saw red and immediately ran in with Kinemon to attack Doflamingo. The blind man from before jumped in front of them sticking his sword down using an unknown force to bring him down. Zoro and Kinemon grunted as they picked up Law and you. You opened your eyes seeing what had been going on. "No...water BOMB!" You made an explosion rolling away from Makoto as they took off. You tried to reach our for Law, but was stop by the blind man as well. Zoro grabbed you rolling away to move you. He grunted covering your body with his own. "Zoro..." You whispered in shock shaking. You reached your hand out caressing his face. They took off taking Law as Luffy called out for him. The Blind man had been Admiral Fujitora. Kinemon and Zoro stood up recovering from his hit. He helped you up too letting you lean on his arm. Zoro picked you up, so you all could run from Bastille's platoon. Just then, the Sunny team called and told them how Big Mom's pirates had been after them. Luffy agreed for them to head to Zou and make an attack against Big Mom. You all would meet up after. Zoro grunted worried feeling you shake in his hold. He growled seeing your cut on your side. "He stabbed you again!" You nodded. "When I get my hands on him!" "No time to worry we need to find-" "I'm right here!" B/FN ran next to all of you. "Where were you?" "With Franky I came over here though getting a bad feeling. I'll look over Y/N, but for now let's get somewhere we could regroup!" "We can't leave without Luffy!!" You yelled out standing on shaky legs. Luffy came out sobbing in his disguise running with all of you. "Oi Luffy are you alright?" "I am! I'm so happy!! Ace's devil fruit we'll be taken c-care of!!" He cried out as you tried to calm him down. Zoro noticing you were struggling picked you up again running. "Thanks...I'll heal up soon." Zoro nodded. "Don't worry I promised to take care of you remember?" You laughed nodding. You all were headed towards the palace.


You had used your magic to wrap your wound up for the time being. You knew you all were going to have to fight. "You should stay back-" "I won't I'll be okay." You smiled reassuring Zoro. "Let's get to the palace!" Luffy nodded. The fairy Zoro had caught, Wicca, agreed to lead you all to the palace. You couldn't help but gush over how cute they were. "So cute!!" Wicca backed away from you slightly scared. "Sorry!" You apologized picking them up. "Here you can sit on my shoulder lead us where to go!" Wicca nodded beginning to yell out directions. B/FN sweat dropped. Wicca led you all to the palace, where you all had met up with Viola. "I can lead you all to a secret staircase-" Luffy cut her off breaking the main gate. "Let's go!" You all sweat dropped following him in. Once inside you all had been confronted by one of Doflamingo's men, named Pica. Pica had used the walls of the palace to become a giant stone man. Zoro and you stood behind so everyone can continue moving down the corridor to Law. "Where did he go?" You both questioned out loud frustrated. Zoro sighed before grabbing your hand. "We need to go again," Zoro stopped first pulling you back. "Before we go..are you going to be alright?" You nodded knowing he could feel your slight pain from the bond. "Yes I will be I should've warned you about this...sorry." Zoro shook his head giving you a quick kiss before running off with you again. "I will never regret agreeing to you being mine for the rest of our lives." You smiled happily running ahead of him. "We'll find this Pica another time. Coward ran off." Zoro smirked nodding "He did."


Doflamingo had put a bounty on all of you. Usopp's being the highest. Your's being the third highest. He stated you were not to be killed. You shook from his news. Luffy grabbed Zoro and you along with B/FN jumping down the plateau. Usopp had set all the toys free turning them from toys into humans. You happened to land in front of some of the members of Doflamingo's family. You made a wave throwing them off as you all ran. Law had been in Luffy's arms as you all ran. Suddenly you were stopped by Fujitora, Zoro and him clashed before being interrupted by Pica. Pica had used the castle to turn himself into a huge stone man."Now those of you who Rebel against our family.." Luffy gasped along with Zoro as you covered your mouth. "I'm gonna fight you!!" Pica yelled out. Luffy choked before beginning to burst out into laughter. "His voice it's so high!" Tears sprung to his eyes as he laughed hard. Luffy pointed at him laughing harshly. B/FN and you tried to hide your laughter, but couldn't help but join Luffy. "Law said his voice was funny!! But I didn't think he was serious!" B/FN cried out laughing hysterically with you and Luffy. "I know!! Luffy his voice is so high!" Luffy laughed with you as Pica stood quiet. Some of the guards came up shushing you all. "Stop laughing at him!" They cried out worriedly. "But It totally doesn't fit!!" Luffy laughed loudly. "What a funny voice!" Luffy held his stomach as you tried to catch your breathe from all the laughing. "It hurts!" You cried out holding your stomach laughing. "Straw Hat!" Pica yelled out as Luffy fell to the floor dropping Law. "P-P-Please stop!"" He laughed more holding his stomach. "Pica-Sama is sensitive about his voice!! Stop Straw Hat!! If he starts running with that giant body!" The guards begged holding their heads from nerves. B/FN and you held onto each other laughing harshly. Pica began to move anger coursing through his veins. "You idiot!! You made Pica-Sama mad!!" Luffy looked at them in slight shock a huge smile on his face. "How could you guys not laugh at him!!!?" "We can't!! WE DON'T WANNA DIE!" They cried out. Pica raised his arm ready to punch all of you. Everyone began running away terrified as you stood back chuckling still with B/FN. Fujitora and his men began to run as Luffy picked up Law. "Luffy you need to stop messing with your enemies..." Zoro told him as Luffy smiled holding Law like a rag doll. You sighed as Luffy laughed again running with them. "I won't let you get away!" Zoro choked immediately covering his laugh. "See! You can't help laughing either!" Law groaned annoyed. "You guys."


Pica had punched the ground sending all of you flying towards the colosseum. You landed on Zoro harshly as B/FN gracefully caught herself. "My bubbles saved me." You groaned out looking down smirking slightly at Zoro in a suit. "You should wear these more often." Zoro chuckled getting you off of him. "I didn't know you had a thing for this." "Only for you in that." You raised your eyebrows as he laughed. You all had met up with the group of pirates from the colosseum. Cavendish put aside his hate for Luffy wanting to defeat Doflamingo. All of them wanted to defeat Doflamingo. They all argued on who would defeat him before getting interrupted by some of the challengers wanting to capture Law, Luffy, Zoro and you. "Man I'm the only one with out a bounty!" B/FN whined as Law glared at her. "Right let me get these cuffs off of you." You sat down inspecting him. "Hmm this is gonna be hard to get off." He grunted seeing B/FN smirk at him. "I don't wanna hear it-" "I didn't say anything-" "You were thinking it. I know you wanna say I told you so-" "Ah but I didn't!" She laughed as he glared. Zoro chuckled before seeing you look tense, "Oi you sure your okay?" You nodded. "Yea I just feel suddenly a little-" Before you could finish your sentence you fell down, Zoro caught you panicked before you could hit the floor.

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