Spectral Illusions Chapter 13

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How are my wonderful buddies doing? Good? Good!

Here's an update, especially for you guys! I just can't seem to sit down and write for ages much anymore, because I get lazy and watch or read something instead. I'm trying to stop, but it's difficult!

Anyway, enjoy!


Kakashi had to keep his focus. He couldn't allow this boy a single second of an opportunity. If he did, there was no doubt the child would instantly attempt to use it against him.

This child was a prodigy. There was no doubting it. By the time Kakashi was engaging him in full-on combat, it was obvious to him that the young teen was skilled, too skilled, maybe. It should have been impossible for the kid to be keeping up with him, but he was somehow managing it.

What was the most disturbing thought, however, was that the boy was able to summon snakes. He'd referred to someone earlier as 'father' and in the context of experimenting on someone. Was this child the son of Orochimaru? If so, would it be wise to try to eliminate the boy while he could, or allow him to live until the Third could make a decision?

'If this brat keeps on getting in my way, the Hokage won't have to make a decision!' Kakashi thought with a growl as he threw a kunai at the boy, which was swiftly tossed aside with the boy's odd scythe. Kakashi hadn't noticed he had it at first; it seemed to be a highly-adaptable weapon which had been hidden under the sleeve of his hoodie. It had began as a single pole which had then slid out into almost the entirety of the boy's body. Then, with a single flick, two blades had rotated out from the pole to show the deadly final form. Kakashi wasn't even sure if that was its final form.

"I'm not impressed." The boy said calmly, landing rather gracefully at least ten feet away from his opponent. He swung the scythe around to hold behind his body with one hand. He looked so at ease with the weapon, almost as if it were a part of him. "I thought the legendary Copy Cat would prove more of a challenge than this. Do you even want to save your precious Mayako?"

Kakashi growled. This kid was pushing his luck. "You have me at a disadvantage, kid. You know my name, but I don't know yours. Care to tell?" In all honesty, he didn't quite care. He just knew it would come in handy later.

"To tell, or not to tell?" The boy smirked, toying with the idea. Finally, he said, "Very well. My father calls me Kaneki. It's as close to a real name as I'll get, I suppose."

'Kaneki, huh? Never heard of him...' He thought, before settling back into a fighting stance. 'No matter. I'll take care of him anyway.'

Even if their plan was to originally stick together, Kakashi had sent Gai away a few moments before. Asuma has run into some trouble, and needed help. Since Kakashi was confident he could take care of Kaneki himself, he'd sent Gai to help. Kaneki had seemed to allow him to go.

"I'll ask again, kid-" Kakashi began, dashing forward once again. "Where is Mayako?!"

"She's went to the magical world called denial. Familiar?" Was Kaneki's bold answer. "Oh, and she's been travelling back and forth between depression capital and suicide town a lot."

Kakashi's heart ached at the thought. Mayako, in denial? Mayako, depressed? Mayako, suicidal? No. No way.

"I want to know where she is now!" Kakashi snapped, beginning to for handsigns.

"Probably down at death's door-" Kaneki paused for a moment to dodge Kakashi's fireball, leaping into the air and flipping upside-down mid-jump. His feet made connection with the high ceiling for a moment, before he pushed off again and flew back down to the ground. "She's such a pest. I don't know why father's so obsessed with her."

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