Spectral Illusions Chapter 17

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Kakashi woke up to the sound of screaming. Rather, was woken by the sound of screaming. As soon as he heard the shrill, high-pitched cry from the room beside his, he shot up, hurrying into the next room.

This was Mayako's room. Something had to be wrong.

He flung the door open, expecting to see someone attacking her or something along those lines. Instead, he was surprised to see her sat up completely straight, screaming loudly.

She had a nightmare.

He hurried over, quickly sitting down on the bed and putting his arms around her. Unlike his thoughts, she didn't push him away; instead, she was quick to scramble further into his arms and nuzzle her face in his chest. Her fingers clawed at his shirt, and he tried not to cringe when he felt her sharp nails dig into his back through the thin material.

"It's okay, Mayako, it's okay," he mumbled quietly, lifting her into his lap and gently rocking her back and forth. "You're okay. It was just a dream. Just take a few deep breaths."

She did as he told her to, her intakes of breath shaky and scared. She was shaking in his arms, from both the cold and from her fear. She kept her face pressed against his collarbone, refusing to look anywhere else.

When she finally calmed, he sighed in relief. He had panicked momentarily, but was happy he'd been able to help. He had expected nightmares to come, but not so suddenly.

Three days had passed since Mayako moved in. Even with her here, it felt as if she wasn't there at all. She spent the whole of the day, sat alone in her cramped bedroom with her knees drawn up to her chest, and wouldn't come out even for food. He'd supply that anyway, and take it to her room and leave it outside the door. He knew not to enter without her permission.

This was actually the first time he'd seen her in a whole day. He knew she was okay, but he hadn't wanted to disturb her. The last time he'd came to speak to her was to offer her a book or two for her to entertain herself with, but even the temptation of a copy of Icha Icha Paradise - which she would have loved to have a change to read a few years ago - wasn't enough to persuade her to come out of her shell.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly. She nodded mutely. "Not good enough, Mayako. Speak to me."

She remained silent.

"Please, Mayako. Say something." He urged, looking down at her. All he could see was the tuft of brown hair underneath his chin and couldn't turn his head further down simply because of the awkward nook she'd buried her face into in his neck.

"I'm okay..." Was her weak attempt at convincing him.

Kakashi sighed, setting his head on hers. Even if he'd only held her like this because of her nightmare, he felt happy with this. He liked holding her this close; he liked feeling her petite body against his; he liked the slight shiver that was caused every time her warm breath fanned through the neck of his shirt and touched his skin; he liked just how tightly she was gripping onto him, like he was her only lifeline. He liked everything about this situation.

Sadly, it came to an end. Mayako no longer sought contact and warmth to reassure her. Slowly, she loosened her grip in him and crawled out of his lap. Her Sharingan eyes came into contact with his just for a moment, and she seemed angry with herself that she'd had such a moment or weakness. Silently, she lay back down and roll onto her side, her back to him.

He got the message. He stood up from the bed, and left the room, but not before tucking her into bed. He leaned down as he brushed strands of hair from her face, placing a small kiss on her temple through his mask.

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