Spectral Illusions Chapter 20

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The next morning, Mayako didn't wake up in her bed, though she was content to remain where she was. In a sprawled mass of limbs and blankets, she was happily situated in Kakashi's arms, a place she'd rather not leave.

He'd woken before her. His mask was still off, and the breath almost left her entirely when he sent her a small smile. She felt her face flush, and before long, she was burying it in the pillow.

"Morning, Mayako," he chuckled, and the bed shifted slightly as he sat up. "Sleep well?"

She nodded.

"You're not going to ignore me because I kissed you, are you?"

"No." She mumbled. "I'm just going to... Remain quiet, is all." she turned to look at him when she felt herself lift a little higher, and he left the bed. "Where are you going?"

"I have to get ready. I'm usually late to meet my team, but not this late." he glanced at the clock on the bedside, rubbing his eye. "We slept in."

"Shit, was that my fault?" she sat up quickly, rubbing the back of her neck. She wasn't going to say she felt guilty, but a small part of her felt bad.

He shook his head. "No, no. My fault for not setting the alarm." Kakashi heaved a yawn, the muscles in his back constricting under his tight shirt as he stretched. Mayako averted her eyes, scolding herself mentally.

"Oh, I should, uhm-" she flung her feet over the edge of the bed, hurrying to the door. "Leave."

Kakashi chuckled. "I don't mind."

"I think I've blushed enough this morning alone, Kakashi. My face can't take anymore." well, at least she was honest. It was embarrassing, but she had been honest.

He laughed again, but she was out the door before he finished. She sighed softly, before heading back to her own room.

The air was cold in there. She hadn't been there since late last night, and she felt a shiver now she was no longer sharing the warmth with someone else. As she took a seat on her unmade bed, her mind wandered back to last night.

They'd kissed. They'd actually kissed. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she lifted a shaky hands to her face, pressing the tips of her fingers to her bottom lip. She never thought she'd get the chance to kiss him properly, to tell him how she felt without words. Yet here she was, growing giddy at the memory of their lips so much as brushing.

She wondered if he felt the same. Was he as flustered at the thought of her as she was at the thought of him? Were the butterflies and the flushes mutual? She hoped so.

Shaking her head, she brushed off the thoughts and quickly readied herself. She hoped to give him a goodbye before he left.

She was out of her room and ready before he was. As she strolled past, she banged her fist on the door and teasingly called, "Come on, Hatake, you're slower than a woman getting ready for a party, hurry up!"

She got a chuckle from the other side of the door.

Mayako spent a minute or two glancing around the kitchen, searching for the loaf of bread she just knew was still here. Kakashi's kitchen was always unorganised, and that was something she planned to fix, but she just hadn't gotten around to it.

Grinning, she yanked it out of the cupboard above her head. She knew it had been somewhere!

She stuck two pieces in the toaster, busying herself with looking for something to go with it. By the time the toaster pinged, Kakashi was finally ready.

"Took your time, huh?" she giggled, before heading on over to him. "Here, you have to eat something."

He took the toast without arguing. But she saw him roll his eyes.

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