Spectral Illusions Chapter 23

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Two chapters in one day! I'm getting good! Lol, enjoy the chapter

Btw, I'm warning you guys now, there are only a few chapters of SI left, so you guys'll have tissues when I cry over my first finished Fanfic, right?

The hospital room was almost silent. The only sound was the quiet breathing of the two sleeping Genin, and the hum of machines around the room. Mayako slowly lowered herself in through the window, easing it shut behind her. She didn't want to wake either of them, if she could help it.

According to Kakashi, his team had gone through hell. She wasn't surprised; the Chuunin Exams are always said to be hard, and it would be even more so for a group of twelve-year olds.

She felt sorry for them. Sasuke looked beat up as all hell, lying flat on the hospital bed with a breathing mask atop his face, with IVs and wires sticking out of his arms. It reminded her a little of when she first returned, and she was in his place. She shuddered.

Ayame was sat in the plastic chair beside his bed, arms tucked on the mattress beside Sasuke's arm and head resting on them. She too was bruised and battered, bandages and gauze wrapped over wounds. She constantly shifted and fidgeted in her sleep, as if experiencing a dream.

But that wasn't what she was here for.

Slowly and carefully, she edged towards the bed. She didn't want to wake them. Peering down at the sleeping Uchiha, she took a glance around his shoulder, gently tugging aside his shirt collar to see.

There, on his shoulder, sat three black tomoe.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat as she sighed. She should have known Orochimaru would want a new plaything after she was taken from his grasp. Now poor Sasuke was his target. What lengths would he go to to get Sasuke in his clutches? Would he tempt the boy, or would he just take him like he did her?

Backing away from the bed and back to the window, she ran a hand across her face. Was this her fault? If she'd have just stayed where she was as Orochimaru's lab rat, would he have wanted Sasuke, too? Or would she have been enough?

Who was she kidding? It was Orochimaru. Even if the entire populace was reduced to his test subjects, he'd still want more.

How had Orochimaru fallen so low? she wondered. He had been her father's student! How could he have fallen so far in disgrace after learning the qualities of the Will of Fire from the Third Hokage himself?

She sighed. Why was she looking for answers to questions she'll never have?

Taking one last glance at the two Genin behind her, she slid the window back open and clambered out. She had to go, before the ANBU finished switching shifts.

With the window closed securely behind her, she hurried back home. Home? She frowned and shook that thought from her head. She hurried back to Kakashi's place and entered with a few cautious glances thrown over her shoulder. Locking it behind her, she thought how much of a shady character she must have looked, rushing through the night and constantly checking her back.

"...I know, but that doesn't make it any easier," she frowned at the sound of Kakashi's voice. It came from the kitchen. Worried he had company, Mayako quickly and quietly slid off her sandals and wrapped some bandages around her head. She rubbed her hands together and hoped her cheeks weren't rosy to show the cold.

"You have to do something, Kakashi." the other voice was female, and not a voice she recognised. "That mark will tear that boy apart."

She slowly created through the kitchen doorway, listening closely.

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