Spectral Illusions Chapter 1

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Any of you who have read my book, A Twin's Tale, you'll be familiar with this rule. Whenever this: ~~~ comes up, it means a flashback or whatever.

Mayako (at the age of 12) ------>


Chapter 1:

Kakashi sighed, dropping his head as he reached out for the cold marble stone. The surface was colder than usual due to the fact it had rained all night, and all morning so far as well, but Kakashi barely noticed; he'd been standing in it since midnight, so it didn't bother him in the slightest.

"I'm sorry..." He said to no one, his voice whispers against the wind. "I can't believe how many mistakes I've made, Mayako. I know if you were here though, you'd probably slap me for being so depressive," he cracked a very small smile beneath his mask. "And you and Obito would find something perverted to snigger at. Rin would roll her eyes at the both of you as Minato-sensei would find your joke amusing and laugh too. Oh how I wish I could hear your laughter though..."

He reached up a hand, aiming to simply run a hand through his wet silver hair, but instead, ended up simply holding a fist to his head, tapping his knuckles against his headband metal a few times.

"It sounds hollow. My head should be. I'm supposed to be smart, called a genius by some people," Kakashi scowled, also gritting his teeth together. "But how the hell can I be smart if I couldn't protect my friends?

Obito...Rin...Minato...then you too, Mayako. Why the hell did I let myself loose you too?" The Jounin lowered himself to the ground, forgetting discipline and formalness, leaning his back against the stone memorial, and rested a hand across his knee as he looked up, his lone onyx eye blinking in response to the light rain that darkened the sky.

"Now would be the perfect time to start crying I guess..." He said quietly, staring up at the blackened clouds with a dead look. "But I don't have any tears left to shed."

He could almost hear Mayako's laugh as she listened to his dreary words, watching her teenage shadow standing in front of him, blurry in the rain as tears began to gather in the corners of her eyes and instantly feeling his own mouth twitching up into a smile to match hers without meaning to.

"The fourth anniversary of your death, Mayako. And I still can't move on." He shook his head, his smile fading as her image vanished into the pouring rain, her sparkling blue eyes glinting once in the reflection of the stone before completely disappearing. "...oh, and happy birthday."


"Obito, you're late. Again." A young Kakashi scowled, narrowing his eyes at the Uchiha who laughed sheepishly, bending over on his knees and panting heavily.

"Sorry! My uncle wanted to see me about somethin'." Obito said, beginning to pull off excuses from his imaginary list Kakashi was sure he added more to every night.

"Really? I don't believe you in the slightest, moron. Your excuses are getting worse. Yesterday, it was, 'Sorry I'm late guys, a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way.' The day before, it was, 'Sorry for being late, but today I got lost on the road of life.'" Kakashi crossed his arms, giving Obito an unimpressed look.

"Jeez, Kakashi, get a life. How can you remember that? Even I can't...and I'm the one who said it!" Obito flung his hands into the air, as hyperactive as always. He then paused, glancing around. "Hey, wait a sec...if I'm late, then what does that make Rin, and Minato-sensei?"

"Not late. They actually came." The silver haired teen rolled his eyes at Obito's confused face. "They went to go do something. They didn't tell me what."

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