Spectral Illusions Chapter 15

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Waiting was now a hate of Kakashi's. He'd never been a particular fan of the exercise, but now he had little patience. Hadn't it been long enough? Why was he not allowed to go near her?

Ever since his return to the village, the Third had been singing his praises louder than usual. He'd brought Mayako back three days ago, but almost as soon as he'd stepped into the village, she was taken from him. One minute, she was safe in his arms, and the next, she was getting passed from his into a stranger's and whisked away to the hospital.

When Kakashi had demanded to let them see her, they'd told him he couldn't. They told him it was Hokage's orders.

After giving the Hokage his report, he "requested" that the Hokage let him see her. His strict orders to the ANBU guarding Mayako's room that Kakashi was not allowed to be within twenty metres of her room.

Kakashi hadn't let this go down easy. He even went as far as to very nearly attack the Hokage; he had to thank the ANBU who restrained him, otherwise he would have made a very bad mistake. He needed to see her, but he wasn't allowed. He couldn't understand it.

Then, news came. He'd been nowhere but his apartment for three days - he'd been put into lockdown, and several ANBU were watching his every action in case he even tried going near Mayako - and Asuma came to pass on a message. The Hokage wanted Kakashi to prepare himself to talk to Mayako again. To be able to keep himself together when he heard her voice. To keep a calm composure when he felt her touch.

He agreed he needed time to ready himself, but three whole days? Kakashi knew that was overkill.

Finally, Asuma returned. He was accompanied by an escort of ANBU, no doubt to keep an eye on Kakashi. When Asuma entered Kakashi's room, however, he was alone.

"How are you holding up, Kakashi?" Asuma asked, raising an eyebrow at Kakashi where he was in bed, duvet pulled up over his head.

"Unless you're here to tell me I can see her, go away." Kakashi grumbled, keeping his eyes closed.

"Great. I don't have to leave."

Kakashi shot up. His eyes were wide as he stared at Asuma. "I can see her? Really?"

"Get dressed. You've been allowed to see her." Asuma said with a grin, to which Kakashi instantly leapt from the bed, collecting his clothes and swiftly changing after Asuma left the room. As soon as he was ready, he shot from his room, entering the main space of his apartment, seeing a squad of ANBU in his lounge, as well as Asuma.

"They're here why?" Kakashi asked, glancing wearily at the ANBU.

"Hokage-sama's orders." Asuma shrugged, before heading for the door. "Ready to see her, Kakashi?"

"Of course I am." Kakashi said confidently, following after Asuma.

The walk was slow and tedious. He felt as if he was a prisoner being escorted; the ANBU remained close by, watching him closely. Two remained on the street with him and Asuma, the other four following on the rooftops.

"Is this really necessary?" Kakashi asked, glancing at Asuma. "I'm not usually one to complain about Hokage-sama's orders, but this is a bit over the top, don't you think?"

"Kakashi, it's for Mayako. Lord Hokage knows you might react wildly to seeing her. He wants to make sure she's safe." Asuma said back, shrugging.

"I won't put Mayako in any harm. I'll do anything to keep her safe." Kakashi grumbled, before glancing sideways at the ANBU beside him. "Besides, didn't I risk my life several times for this careless girl? She's safe with me."

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