Spectral Illusions Chapter 10

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Guys, help me! I'm crying!

You'll find out why if you read the chapter...j-just do it, alright?! I can't explain...I'm too emotional...

(I am legitimately crying. There are warm tears running down my cheeks like freaking rivers right now.)

Make sure to read until the end. There's another author's note there...I'll put it in when I've stopped crying, okay? I'm a hormonal teenage girl, so crying isn't fun T_T


Chapter 10:


Two weeks passed.

Mayako hadn't returned.

And Kakashi was distraught with worry.

Everyone by now knew how Kakashi felt about her. He openly admitted it when the Third had requested to see them all to tell them of Mayako's prolonged absence. His friends had gathered his office; Gai, Kotetsu, Izumo, Asuma, Hayate, and also, Kurenai, whom Mayako had yet to be introduced to.

It felt horrible; being sick with worry was an emotion Kakashi hoped to never feel again. He couldn't sleep, he wouldn't eat, he would barely talk. Everyone was worried for Mayako, but now, they began to fret over Kakashi as well. Due to his worry, he didn't take care of himself, but he didn't care. Everyone around him, however, seemed to.

When the Third proposed a search party, Kakashi instantly offered to go. However, in his weak, sleep-deprived state, he would be of use to no one, instead being ordered to go home and rest. After he refused to, Gai was forced to catch the Hatake unaware and knock him out cold, allowing the search party to leave without Kakashi's interference. Gai was honestly surprised; he would never have been able to do such a thing if Kakashi was in his usual state.

A few hours after Gai had dumped Kakashi in the Hatake's apartment, he woke, obviously incredibly annoyed Gai had done what he did.

"You're an ass, Gai. I hate you. I hope you know that," he snapped, rolling out of bed and quickly making his way towards the apartment's front door.

"They've already left," Gai spoke up, not moving from where he was sat, eyes closed and arms folded.

Kakashi paused, before continuing along anyway. Gai watched him as he went from room to room gathering things.

"Kakashi, trust the ANBU looking for her, alright? They'll bring her back safe," Gai said as Kakashi walked into the room, pulling a backpack up onto the bed as he began to pack it with the things he'd gotten. "Kakashi, stop," Gai reached out, swiping the objects from Kakashi's hands and throwing them to the far side of the room.

"Gai, stop interfering!" Kakashi shouted, and without warning, grabbed the collar of Gai's flak jacket, shoving him against the wall. "You have no idea what it's like! It's killing me not knowing where she is!"

Gai remained still and silent, watching as the anger in Kakashi's eye slowly began to fade, his grip loosening. Eventually, Kakashi took a step back after releasing him completely, dumping himself on the edge of his bed, his head dropping into his hands.

"I'm sorry, Gai. I shouldn't be taking it out on you," he mumbled quietly, his hands knotting in his hair out of frustration. "I'm just...I'm so worried...I can't bear to think of where she might be..."

Slowly, Gai walked over, sitting down beside him. "She'll be fine. She's Mayako-chan. She's a stubborn girl, the most stubborn I know. She won't let anything happen to herself,"

"I hope so..."

"We'll wait for them to come back, alright? I'm sure she'll be back soon with the team of ANBU she left with, mission complete,"

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