Spectral Illusions Chapter 11

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This chapter seems a little short to me...dunno why...

Ah well. Please enjoy. If you see any mistakes, please excuse them, simply because I'm not changing them as Wattpad does this annoying thing where when I try to adjust a chapter, the paragraph spaces will fly off to the distant land of Norway and never return.

Actually, Noway's not too far from England...I think...Geography isn't my best subject.

Alright, shut up, Ayame, and just let the people read the chapter!


Chapter 11:

The ground crunched under Kakashi's sandals as he walked, hands in pockets. He wasn't going anywhere in particular. He in fact had some free time, and he didn't have anything to do with it. He would have went to the memorial stone, but he had already done that for several hours earlier on in the morning.

The general buzz of the village around him seemed to be louder than usual. He caught snippets of conversation, the yells of merchants trying to get people to buy their goods, the occasional dog bark or cat meowing.

At midday, the village was always bright and alive. Plenty of things to entertain himself with.

It had been two days since Mayako's birthday, otherwise known as the day she died. Ironic, that whatever heavenly being created her decided that she'd leave the world the same day she entered it. At the time, Kakashi had forgotten completely about Mayako's birthday, but the brunette hadn't seemed to mind.

He'd - like every year - gotten over the emotional session he'd have on her birthday, returning to his laid-back, sarcastic self. His heart ached as much as it did every day about her being gone, but it just wasn't as strong if he thought about her.

Soon, he was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice shouting him.

"Kakashi!" He glanced over his shoulder to see Asuma heading towards him, one hand raised in a wave, the other taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Yo, Asuma," Kakashi greeted, waiting for the Sarutobi to catch up to him before continuing to walk, Asuma at his side.

"So, uh..." Asuma began awkwardly after a few moments of silence. "How did you deal with...you know what?"

Kakashi shrugged. "Just as I do every year."

"And...? How do you do it every year?"

"Think back and depress myself,"

Asuma sweat-dropped. "Uh...okay."

"Okay, what is it what you really want, Asuma? Don't you need to go stalk Kurenai?" Kakashi asked, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye. He smirked slightly when he saw Asuma's tanned cheeks turn a shade of pink at the mention of the Yūhi.

"Not stalk her," Asuma shook his head, rubbing the back of it. "Maybe later- wait, what?!" He noticed the grin on Kakashi's masked face, his eyebrow twitching when he saw the Hatake was amused at his embarrassment.

Kakashi laughed. "Alright, alright. No stalking. But what do you need me for?"

"Well..." Asuma took a moment to consider his words. He seemed to be troubled, but hid it well. "I guess it would be best for the old man to explain. He wants us both,"

"Lord Third wants us?" Kakashi asked, causing Asuma to nod. "Why didn't you just say that?"

"I was being a concerned friend, alright?!"

Kakashi chuckled at his behaviour, finding it somewhat similar to Mayako's. For some reason, however, Mayako was a lot more dramatic and it had been very amusing to watch her blush at some of the things he'd say.

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