Spectral Illusions Chapter 2

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Boom. Update.


Chapter 2:

{Present day}

The rain still wouldn't let up. Kakashi lifted his hand, watching in a bored manner as the rain pattered down onto his gloved palm, the ice cold water trickling from his fingers.

"Rain...you never did like it, did you, Mayako?" He spoke, turning his head to the side as a young teenage brunette appeared before him, her figure flashing in the rain. "Are you cold right now, I wonder, Mayako?"

Mayako's shadow tilted her head to the side, a small confused smile twitching at her lips. She said nothing, however, just smiled sweetly up at the silver-haired Jounin.

"I seriously think I'm going insane..." Kakashi muttered, wanting nothing more to smack himself over the head, but knowing if he did, Mayako's image would vanish. "But if you were here, you'd say I am already insane, right Mayako?"

She brought a hand to her face as she giggled, but no sound came from her, proving to Kakashi she was just a fragment of his imagination, as always.

"Can you hear me right now, I wonder? Is this why I see you? Because you visit me?" Kakashi asked, shifting slightly from his uncomfortable position on the wet and cold stone.

Mayako frowned, her hand on her chin as she pondered his questions. At last, she nodded, smiling widely.

"Or are you just something my brain made, and you're only telling me what I want to know?"

Mayako shook her head sternly, narrowing her eyes at him.

"So...if you are really here..." Kakashi began, his eye softening as he looked back at her. "I'm sorry, Mayako-chan." He smiled, noticing that the shadow her saw was still the teenage girl he saw everyday when he woke up, due to her picture being above his bed beside the picture of Team Minato.

She pouted, not liking his choice of honorific. She never did like the fact that he was older than her.

He chuckled quietly, before his smile slipped when he realised she wasn't really there. Just a shadow of the past he regretted. And the past was in the past. That was where it would stay, unfortunately.

Speaking of the past, another memory began working its way into Kakashi's mind, to which he welcomed it happily to provide a distraction from the fact she was actually gone.


Mayako grinned, tugging the straps of her backpack and tightening them in one fluid movement as she skipped into step beside Minato, who seemed in just as happy as a mood, walking wide strides and smiling for no good reason.

"This is the first time I've been out of the village!" She said excitedly, looking up at her teacher. "Thanks for convincing dad to let me out, Minato-sensei!"

Minato chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Actually...keep your voice down. Your father doesn't know. I snuck you out for these missions, Mayako. I think you need team training to be honest, and your father never lets you out on missions anyway."

Mayako winked, tapping her nose. "Don't worry. I'll keep it a secret! Since I'm getting to go outside the village for the first time EVER!"

Kakashi sighed, rolling his eyes as he followed behind the two of them beside Obito and Rin. It had been a few months since Minato began making Mayako train with Team Minato, and she seemed to come out of her shell a bit more. Instead of the personality he had originally expected - which was quiet, easily irritated; basically a lot like him - she was loud, over-excitable, sarcastic, and also rather dirty-minded. She and Obito seemed to make the best of friends as they would constantly crack perverted jokes that Kakashi pretended he didn't understand. Minato would though, and shamelessly burst out laughing.

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