Spectral Illusions Chapter 19

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Hey everyone! I began writing this chapter this morning when I woke up, and I'm off school sick today, so I thought, why not finish this? I'm super happy with this chapter, so I hope you enjoy!

Naruto Wattys update: We didn't win, though I'm not bummed out about it. We'll try again next time, though I might wait until SI is further along.
Kakashi woke to something tugging on his sleeve. Slowly, he forced his eye open, blinking a few times to clear the sleep from his eyes. It took him a moment to recognise the shape in front of him was Mayako.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up. Outside, the moon was still high in the sky, and glancing at the clock, he saw it was just gone three in the morning.

"I..." Even in the darkness, he saw Mayako's cheeks flush a little below her Sharingan. "I couldn't sleep." She mumbled, chewing on her bottom lip. "A-And I... I wondered if..."

"Take your time, Mayako. What is it?"

"CanIsleepwithyoupleasebecauseI'mreallyscaredofthedarkandIthinkI'mgoingtohaveanothernightmare." She gushed.

"What?" He blinked a few times in confusion. "What did you say?"

She sighed, her head drooping. "Can I sleep with you?" She mumbled, "I'm scared of the dark, and I think I might have another nightmare."

He couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips under his mask. She let out a surprised squeal as he reached for her and dropped her on the bed beside him. She averted her eyes from him as he tugged the blanket up over her, rolling onto his side to watch her.

"... Thank you, Kakashi." She muttered. Turning her head downwards, she closed her eyes, almost outright refusing to look at him. His smile refused to fade, especially since her blush did the same.

It had been a few weeks, and this sort of thing was almost becoming routine. It was usually every other day, but it was growing more regular, and she'd slept alongside him for three days straight, now. He was glad he made her more comfortable in whatever strange way this actually worked.

She'd began to recover, slowly, bit by bit. Now, she barely jumped when there was a sudden noise, and she only ever flinched from his touch when he caught her by surprise. She was starting to put a healthy weight back on, which was a relief when he put his arms around her to feel more than just bone. The only problem was that she almost always refused meals, but he managed to get her to eat one way or another.

Once or twice, at times like this, she'd asked him questions quietly about him. He felt flattered, not to mention so extremely happy that she actually showed interest in his life after her. She'd asked about his rank, missions, team, daily life, that sort of thing. But never once did she ask if he was in a relationship. That seemed to be some sort of taboo that she stumbled on every time she went to ask.

It seemed tonight was one of those nights. "Kakashi?" She asked quietly.

"Yes?" He was quick to respond, cracking an eye open to look at her. She was peering up at him through the darkness, and he could see her Sharingan as clear as day.

"Well... I was wondering if..." She sighed, dropping her head. "Do you think I'll ever... Ever be able to be a ninja again?"

That was not something he was expecting. "Wait... You want to be a ninja? After everything that happened whilst you were one?"

"I know, I know, but..." Her shoulders drooped. "I just feel useless cooped up in here. I feel like being out there, doing some D-ranks and what not... It might just help me recover, you know? To get into a routine, to do more. I'm not doing anything for anyone in here."

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