Spectral Illusions Chapter 6

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Hehe, update! Triple update! So, you have no reason to stab me in the eye with a blunt butter knife, Bethany.

Once again, this chapter starts off with a flashback. Not a continuation of last chapter's, but just a new one.



Chapter 6:


It was horrible. The pain. Mayako thought she couldn't take it on her own. If she continued to suffer alone, she realised she'd break into tiny pieces of matter, but she'd be glad. After all, she'd be out of this pain.

She slowly curled up into a ball, bringing her hands to her head and knotting her hands in her hair as she began to cry once again. It had been a traumatic couple of weeks, what with Obito's death being so hard to get over. When they visited the memorial stone to mourn his passing, that was when she caved. The pressure of the pain and depression got to her, and she just burst out into hysterical tears. She was glad Kakashi was there, otherwise, she would have been ignored and left to cry.

Kakashi was the only one who really understood what it was like. Whenever she'd cry, he'd comfort her, reassure her, but the thing she needed the most was a hug. And the hug he'd give was so much more reassuring or comforting than what his words were. It was so warm, so gentle, that she'd never thought it capable of Kakashi. She would be thankful to him eternally, for being the one to hold her when the sky fell down.

But, after the weeks passed by, the pain just suddenly increased tenfold when Kakashi was brought back to the village, alone, out-cold, when he'd been with Rin earlier that day when he left. Mayako had yet to be told by Kakashi himself what had happened, but she had been told Rin had also died. That had been earlier that day, and when she had been told, she'd disappeared to her room for the whole day. She couldn't see or speak to Kakashi, or even get a hug, since he was in hospital, and was recovering from a difficult fight.

And yet, even if she was suffering as badly as she was, her family had begun to ignore her. The crying which could be heard through the walls had just become a part of everyday life. For the first few fortnights, Asuma had came in to check on her, and give her a hug and whatnot. It helped, but not as much as one of Kakashi's hugs. That was what she really needed; Kakashi's company, but of course, her father would never allow her to stay with Kakashi, and the Third would kill himself before allowing Kakashi into her room, even if they were only young.

No knock on the door came from Asuma to see if she was okay. No visit from her father, which was highly unlikely anyway, but she had hoped. Once again, she was left to cry alone, in the dark, unable to keep the monsters of the night - which had recently become her worst nightmares - at bay. In her fragile, broken state, anything could get to her. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to fight anymore.


Her eyes shot open in surprise at this, turning her head towards the source of the voice. She had been expecting Asuma, expecting her father, but most definitely not...

"Kakashi?" She asked, her voice layered with shock, pain, and it was weak from crying for so long.

"Hey..." He greeted, forcing a weak, small smile under his mask, but she couldn't see it anyway. He was sat on the edge of her bed, the incredibly high window open where he'd climbed in through silently. "How are you doing?"

"The better question is how are you doing?" She sat up, frowning at him as she lifted a hand to wipe her wet cheeks. "You've been in hospital all day."

"I'm fine." He shook his head, giving her a reassuring smile. He did look fine, the only differences from normal being the headband turned down over his left eye, and a few cuts and scrapes here and there. "Do you know about...Rin?"

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