Spectral Illusions Chapter 22

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There was a shuffle as she shifted again on the bed, clutching the pillow closer and rubbing her cheek against it. Mayako was in a half-state of consciousness, and in her delirious mind, said pillow was Kakashi.

It had been a few solid weeks now. She'd spent a lot of it with her father, sadly, not allowed to remain home with no one to watch her even though that's what she did most of the time, what with Kakashi on missions. She has done nothing productive over the weeks since rescuing Konohamaru, who she was now officially introduced to as Mayako and not the strange lady that saved him. Konohamaru couldn't even tell they were the same person, which was good.

She hummed in content when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her dream was good; she and Kakashi did nothing but lie here together to hours, cuddling to each other. How she wished she could right now.

Slowly, she blinked her way to alertness when the hand shook her shoulder. She turned her head rapidly, trying to find whoever was in the darkness, but only succeeding in making herself dizzy.

"Easy, Mayako. Just me."

"Kakashi," she breathed, almost in relief. She reached out for him, and with a roll of his eye, he sat on the bed and caught her in his arms. "It's so good you're back."

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"No, no," she reassured, burying her face in his neck and savouring his warm scent that came with every inhale. His bed and his clothes may smell like him, but the actually smell was so much better.

"Just happy to see me?" he chuckled.

She nodded and fell limp in his arms as she relaxed. He was so warm and gentle and caring. He was nothing like what she'd faced over the last four years. Maybe that was why she was so relieved to see him again, to be held by him again.

Sadly, she had to let him go at least long enough for him to drop his bag to the floor, tug off his flak jacket and crawl into bed next to her without changing. She appreciated it both for her face's sake, and for the fact he seemed to notice she as acting unusually clingy.

Being in his arms was so much better than in her dreams. His arm rested just atop her hip and around her back, which he'd used before to tug her to him before he'd settled when she curled up to his chest. He seemed to be comfortable too, which was a good sign.

"How did the mission go?" she asked quietly, eyes trained on the finger that was drawing patterns on his chest.

Kakashi sighed heavily. He did so again before he actually said anything.

"Hell." was his answer, "We were a team of one Jounin and four Genin against Momochi Zabuza."

She frowned, "He is...?"

"Oh, that's right. You don't have our updated Bingo Book, do you?" he asked, and didn't need a response. "He's a missing nin from Kiri. An ex-assassin. He was once one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist."

That was enough explanation for her to wonder how on earth Kakashi survived. Kakashi was a great ninja, yes, but to take on one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist on his own with a team of Genin and a charge to protect? She had always thought they were a myth!

"Sounds exciting," was all she finally said aloud, to which he snorted. "More exciting than what I did, anyway."

"Go on, please tell."

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I was under surveillance twenty-four seven and had to remain with my father for most of it. The only time I wasn't alone was when I was sleeping, and even then people watched me. The one chance I had to do anything for myself was that day when you left, weeks and weeks ago. I saved my nephew from kidnapping."

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