Spectral Illusions Chapter 9

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Yeah, I lied. Next chapter there'll be like...a quarter, maybe half of a flashback. Not anything too big...

For those of you who've read No Regrets or School Stories, you'll notice a familiar name pop up in this chapter.

I updated the summary to fit more of a love story. Before, it was kinda vague, but now it kinda fits more of a love story- damn, I've just said that twice...

But yeah, I updated the summary. It almost didn't all fit in, lol.

Just so you guys know, Itachi is no longer going to be in the flashbacks. This is some time after the massacre, so everyone knows he's gone rogue at this point. I know I didn't make this very clear in this chapter, so I apologise.

No more sexy Uchiha...

No, I don't really like Itachi in that way. I prefer his brother *high-pitched fangirl giggles that sound like beached whales*

Anyhoo, enjoy~!


Chapter 9:


"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Mayako, but I have a mission for you,"

Mayako's head lifted when she heard this. Instead of doodling on the page of paperwork she was supposed to be helping her father sign, she looked up at him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Uh huh. What rank is it?" She asked, causing the Third to sigh.

"...unfortunately, S-rank," he answered, causing Mayako to smile, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Really?! An S-rank?!" Mayako asked incredulously, seeing the serious look in her father's eyes. She'd never been allowed on an S-rank before; the Third refused to let her as it was too 'risky' and 'dangerous'.


"What do I have to do?"

"You will be accompanied by several other ANBU to the Village Hidden in the Mountains," The Third began, causing Mayako to pause.

"You mean that new one? Formed by that Seto...uh...somethin'?"

"Yes. Seto Hiro." He nodded, folding his hands in front of his face and closing his eyes. "As I cannot leave the village, I can't go in person to meet with her and form an alliance between our villages. It's vital that this is done, so I'm sending you, my daughter, to do it in my place."

"W-what?!" Mayako's eyes were wide. "Y-you're trusting me with this?! W-why not Asuma nii-chan?"

"Asuma would be the better choice," The Third said without consideration, pausing when he saw the upset pout on Mayako's face. "Only because I trust him to keep himself safe. You, on the other hand, are reckless. But, when you're serious about something, you get it done. You're like your mother like that,"

Mayako smiled, noticing her father soon did also.

"Anyway," the Third's smile faded as he became serious once again. "You're leaving tonight. It's best to travel at night, as there are several people who are against this truce,"


"Well...quite a few of both of our villages disapprove," the Hokage said with a shrug.


"Many of those people are closed-minded," Hiruzen said thoughtfully to himself, before beginning to explain. "There are those in the Leaf who dislike the idea of banding together with a newly formed village, and those in the Mountains who believe they should fend for themselves,"

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