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As some of you might know, I entered Spectral Illusions into a Naruto Wattys a few years ago. We didn't place, but since it's all finished now, I'm trying it again.

I'm writing this at this point just to let you guys know that I've gotten Spectral Illusions definitely in. It's still nearly a month until voting starts, so please, if you're voting, do not vote yet. Your vote will not be counted and possibly might take up one of your two votes per category.

Spectral Illusions has been entered into NarutoWattyAwards , into the category "Jounin or Chunin of Konohagakure". However, this might change, depending on how many stories are entered by the time voting starts, so do nothing yet.

I'll post more information when voting starts, but if you want, go give them a follow and read through the rules, look at some of the entries. I've also entered Delinquent, my modern day Naruto fic, into the "Modern Naruto (AU)" category, but it's gonna face a lot more competition than Spectral Illusions as of right now, with the amount of stories in that category. If you read and enjoy it, please do consider giving it a vote, as it means a lot to me :)

But, as I said, do not vote yet. Voting period starts June 2nd, and will go on until October. I'll post more information later, as things may change by then, so let's all wait excitedly till then!

I'll talk to you all later!

-Ayame-chan :)

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