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Danggg something is wrong with me. I should of updated a long time ago. Anyways I'm dedicating the final chapter to my number one reader. Please enjoy.

Dear Daddy Diary,
It's the third day of summer!! Can't believe I almost missed out on it because I had a horrible asthma attack without realizing it and passed out. Okkkk maybe I wouldn't of missed out but I bet everyone was worried but I'm fine now. More than fine actually. I'm a junior now and next I'm going to be a senior! What's not to be happy about?
When I think about it, one good thing came out of my attack. All my friends became...friends. Amy got a really cool beach house that she wants us all to go to. I definitely want to go. (Hint hint Dad)
Victor might be there and don't worry we haven't done anything you wouldn't be proud of...yet.
Just kidding! (Please do not have the talk with me or Victor.)
Mom is really happy you are home. You can tell she really missed you and even the twins are acting more disciplined and less...evil. LOL. (That means laugh out loud).
Anyways I'm just really happy I guess. Anthony finally manned up and asked out Grace. Amy is kinda dating that guy from the Spring dance...I think. Nicole is still dating that junior. I hope when he leaves for college he won't leave with her heart too and Wendy is single but I'm hoping someone asked her out soon. I wouldn't want her to feel like the...ninth wheel.
You probably wondering why I'm only talking about the present and future. I personally have made a lot of mistakes and I learned that you have to let go of the past. Maybe one day I'll tell you of the interesting decisions I made but not right now or in this book. Right now I have to meet my two best friends, my boyfriend and my three popular targets. Actually just call them 'my favorite targets'.
Hugs and kisses,
Your daughter,
Sophie Preston.

And Punta finale. But wait! There's more. Not a sequel, atleast not for now. I'm writing a new book while 'Observant' is on hold. It's a werewolf book called "Alpha Queen." There's a picture of the cover right there for you guys. If you can make a cover for any of my books I would really appreciate it. Alright I'm done babbling. Thank you for reading "My Popular Targets" I love you all! :-)

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