Chapter 22: Meet My Dad

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Nicole's POV

She stopped at the top of the stairs an called out.

"Yea mom?"

Her voice was almost unrecognizable; I hadn't heard it in a long while and it was filled with new found confidence.

"Mom? Mom?" She padded down the stairs while still calling for her mother.

"Mother?" I remembered how she used to address her mom that way when she started to get irritable.

"Mom? Mom? Nicole?".

She finally reached the bottom steps when she saw me. My back was facing her but I knew she would still recognize me.

I turned to face her. "Hey. Your mom said you guys were going shopping so she asked me to babysit the terrible two." I realized that's what we you used to call them. "I mean your siblings."

She looked at me funny before responding.

"We're not going shopping"

"Hey" I heard her mom say. I was glad some one else joined us. I think I was going to die from the awkwardness.

"Are you ready?" Her mother continued.

"Ready for what?"

"Shopping" her mom answered in a duh tone. "Don't you have that party tomorrow?"

"Oh yea" she said realization crossing her facial features. She looked at her clothes checking if she looked presentable. "Yea I'm ready"

"Party?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Yea. It's some stupid party at Anthony's"

"Are you going Nicole?" Her mother asked me.

"No" I looked down at my shoes. "I wasn't invited".

"Oh" her mother paused to grab her keys. "Well thanks for watching the twins. Name your price. I just need to get out of the house."

She walked out the front door, leaving us alone once again. The only sounds were her siblings climbing down the stairs and her mother starting the car.

"Well I'll see you later Nicole" she said before turning to the door.

"You too Sophie". It was the first time I said her name in a while and her name sounded so foreign on my tongue.

Her siblings started to fight over the remote and all I did was stare at my best friend walk out the front door.

Sophie 's POV
Where was my optimistic best friend? The one that always had a smile on her face.

Where did she go?

I wasn't going to lie, it was weird seeing her in my living room again after so many months.

Where did the time go? I wanted it back.

In the car, my mom and I drove in silence. She tried to talk to me about what outfits I might want to buy. I just continued to stare out the window so she finally signed and gave up.

She parked in the mall parking lot and I reached for the door handle before she grabbed my other arm stopping me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing mother." I answered turning back to the window before she could see the single tear that fell from my eye.

"What's wrong Soph?" She asked again not letting me go.

" I miss Wendy and Nicole" I whispered.


" I miss Wendy and Nicole."

"I heard what you said. It's just that it doesn't make any sense." She sighed "if you wanted them to join us, you could of told me. You know I love your friends. I could of gotten another babysitter."

"They wouldn't of came. I don't think they consider me as a friend anymore."

"Why not?"

" I abonded them for the targets "

I saw the confusion in her face and before she could ask any questions,  I answered it for her.

"Amy, Anthony and Grace" I answered but she was ready with another question.

"Why do you call them the targets?"

I explained to her everything; how I befriended them only to leave my old friends behind and all the drama I got caught up in. I could tell she was disappointed in me because she didn't look me in the eyes after I said that.

I told her why I stopped liking David and how Victor was now my boyfriend. Even though she was upset, I saw the small smile on her face after I said that.

"And the worst part is only Anthony knows the truth and I keep delaying telling them about dad" I finished.

She didn't say anything for a while. A long while actually. I felt like crying  again but she finally spoke up.

"You have to tell them about your father."

"But mom, I can't" I whined.

"But nothing. It seems like they trust you and let you in a part of their life. You should do the same." She beamed at me before adding. "Now wipe those tears we're going shopping!"


I gathered the targets to meet my dad the day after the party.

I was surprised Amy and Anthony showed up. Anthony was still distant.

I thought Amy would have been upset when I told them about Victor but she was happy. Anthony looked...relieved?

The sign said "Mr. Preston". I knew he was here. He's been here for a while now. Although I haven't been here in about three months, he would always be here.

I walked over to him, to the same spot I always see him.

"Guys I want you to meet my dad."

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