Chapter 14: Better Not To

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"I knew it was you".

I was walking down the school hallway of the school when I heard that familiar voice behind me. For some unknown reason, I decided to walk faster. The hallway wasn't empty, but her footsteps were just getting heavier.

"Wait up Sophie" I wanted to turn around and stop but I didn't know what she meant by "I knew it was you". What did she know? How could she know? Honestly I didn't want to find out.

She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Her blonde hair landed on her shoulders and her stern face meant business.

"Grace" I breathed out. 

"I know you heard" 

"Heard what?" I asked. On the outside I was calm but on the inside I was freaking out. What did I hear?

"What I said to my mom on the phone at Anthony's party" She finally allowed her hand to fall off my shoulder and to her side. She adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Look I didn't  mean to eavesdrop. I was just-"

"No, no, no. I don't care about that. I was just wondering why you haven't asked any questions yet?" she asked, cutting me off. "You're  not the first to overhear a conversation with my mom" she ended with a small humorlessly laugh.

"How did you know it was me?"

"After everything we talked about, you continued to look at only me with..." she paused as if trying to find the right word. "With pity".

I did feel bad for her. She was being forced to do something for the rest of her life.

"Look, we are going to be late for class. How about you come over later to my house? Since I don't know where you live" I said all with a smile.

She smiled back, said OK and walked to her class. I let out a sigh. This was a conversation I didn't want to have.

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I exited my seventh period with Nicole, about to walk home, when I spotted Grace just standing in the middle of the hall in front of my class. Just standing and staring like a character from a scary movie. I looked at Nicole before both of us walked over to her.

"Are you OK Grace?" I asked.

She started to blink again before looking at us "Hey Nicole. Hey Sophie. Change of plans, let's just drive together to your place instead of me meeting you there".

"I can't. I walk with Nicole home" I said.

"Oh" was all Grace replied before Nicole spoke up "I can walk by myself".

 I was about to say I couldn't let her walk by herself but Grace responded before me. "Why don't you come with us? I can give you a ride home."

Nicole nodded at the idea and we all started to walk to the front of the school.

"Who picks you up?" I asked, turning to Grace.

"My maid, Mrs.Tandy"

Once we reached the front, we spotted a small limo. Grace started to walk to it and we followed closely behind. 

"Good afternoon Miss Tandy" Grace greeted her and my and Nicole's "good afternoons" came after.

Grace gave Mrs Tandy directions to my house and after she was finished, we left the school. The ride home was silent except for Nicole constant moving around to check out the different parts of the limo and rummaging through the mini-fridge to find a drink.

When we parked, said our thanks you and got out, Nicole finally asked "What are you guys doing anyways?"

I really didn't know what to say  and before I even had a chance to think Grace answered before flashing her a smile "Geometry homework".

She  waved bye to Nicole and I watched her walk to my front door. I turned back to Nicole, gave her a small hug, said later and started to walk off.

I could of sworn I heard her say "Geometry was what we used to do together". I wanted to turn around and ask if that's what she really said but I knew it was better not to.

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A/N Honestly this is more of a filler chapter but I just thought you guys needed an update.  There will be Chapter 14 part B soon. Like Monday soon....

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